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Shape optimization in Abaqus

Shape optimization is employed towards the conclusion of the design process, when the overall structure of a component is established and only minor adjustments are permitted by relocating surface nodes in specific regions. In shape optimization, the displacements of the surface nodes (design nodes) serve as the design variables. The process commences with a finite element model that requires slight enhancements or with a finite element model derived from a topology optimization. In this training package, first, you will learn the concept of optimization and shape optimization in Abaqus. After that, all required settings to do a shape optimization, such as optimization task and design responses will be fully explained. And in the last lesson, you will learn how to create an optimization process and be familiar with the generated files by the shape optimization process.

ABAQUS Projects Package

If you need common industrial simulations in the fields of forming, fracture, explosion, impact, etc., this package can provide you with comprehensive training along with an instructional video file and software file. You can quickly meet your educational needs in learning the elementary and intermediate level of Abaqus software using this package.

Optimization in ABAQUS Analysis

This tutorial teaches how optimize topology of a model in ABAQUS. Structural optimization is an iterative process that helps to improve designs and produce parts and components that are lightweight, strong and long-lasting. Topology optimization begins with an initial design, which is assumed to be the maximum physical extent of the component, and determines a new material distribution by changing the density and the stiffness of the elements in the initial design while continuing to satisfy the optimization constraints. In this package different workshops to implement topology optimization are used.