
Languages available for consultation:


Dr Santanu Paul

Experience (Year)
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Number of projects (Articles)



Research Scientist

Additive Manufacturing
Manufacturing engineering
Heat transfer
Materials Science
Fracture and Failure

Ansys Fluent

Paul, S., Singh, R., & Yan, W. (2016). Thermal model for additive restoration of mold steels using crucible steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 24, 346-354.

Paul, S., Liu, J., Strayer, S. T., Zhao, Y., Sridar, S., Klecka, M. A., … & To, A. C. (2020). A discrete dendrite dynamics model for epitaxial columnar grain growth in metal additive manufacturing with application to inconel. Additive Manufacturing, 36, 101611.

Paul, S., Singh, R., Yan, W., Samajdar, I., Paradowska, A., Thool, K., & Reid, M. (2018). Critical deposition height for sustainable restoration via laser additive manufacturing. Scientific reports, 8(1), 14726.

Paul, S., Ashraf, K., & Singh, R. (2014, June). Residual stress modeling of powder injection laser surface cladding for die repair applications. In International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (Vol. 45813, p. V002T02A092). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Paul, S., Singh, R., & Yan, W. (2015). Finite element simulation of laser cladding for tool steel repair. In Lasers Based Manufacturing: 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, AIMTDR 2014 (pp. 139-156). Springer India.

  • PhD, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Research Scientist
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Manufacturing engineering
  • Heat transfer
  • Materials Science
  • Fracture and Failure
  • Ansys
  • Ansys Fluent

Paul, S., Singh, R., & Yan, W. (2016). Thermal model for additive restoration of mold steels using crucible steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 24, 346-354.

Paul, S., Liu, J., Strayer, S. T., Zhao, Y., Sridar, S., Klecka, M. A., … & To, A. C. (2020). A discrete dendrite dynamics model for epitaxial columnar grain growth in metal additive manufacturing with application to inconel. Additive Manufacturing, 36, 101611.

Paul, S., Singh, R., Yan, W., Samajdar, I., Paradowska, A., Thool, K., & Reid, M. (2018). Critical deposition height for sustainable restoration via laser additive manufacturing. Scientific reports, 8(1), 14726.

Paul, S., Ashraf, K., & Singh, R. (2014, June). Residual stress modeling of powder injection laser surface cladding for die repair applications. In International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (Vol. 45813, p. V002T02A092). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Paul, S., Singh, R., & Yan, W. (2015). Finite element simulation of laser cladding for tool steel repair. In Lasers Based Manufacturing: 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, AIMTDR 2014 (pp. 139-156). Springer India.

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