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Access the largest and most valuable collection of Abaqus tutorials, covering every simulation topic imaginable.

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While working with ABAQUS, users might run into difficulties while defining the material properties, loading or meshing, interaction properties, and etc. If you are a graduate or Ph.D. student, a university professor or an expert engineer in the industry, using simulation software such as Abaqus, our packages will help you simulate more professionally. Advanced engineering courses produced by CAE assistant will help you write your code easily in many engineering software.
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cae course ⭐⭐⭐Free Abaqus Course |10 hours Video  👩‍🎓+1000 Students   ♾️ Lifetime Access

✅ Module by Module Training                                  ✅ Standard/Explicit Analyses Tutorial

✅ Subroutines (UMAT) Training                    …           ✅ Python Scripting Lesson & Examples

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ABAQUS FEA Training (Free cantilever beam tutorial)

This free tutorial package is an introduction to beams in Abaqus, which is a series of example-based training videos and in this course as the first step of this series, we’re going to simulate an I-shaped beam with different types of loads and boundary conditions and in static and dynamic methods to compare the results with the theory. Watch Demo

Abaqus for beginners (Mechanical Engineering)-Free Version

In this Free version of the training package, which is designed for beginners in mechanical engineering, two lessons from the original package are presented. This package is provided the necessary points and theories for simulation. With this training package, you will be able to get acquainted with different ABAQUS modules in the form of various examples in modeling, how to get the output and the necessary results for reporting. You can download the syllabus of this package here. You also could find the demo of the package on our YouTube channel at this link.

Python scripting in ABAQUS-(FREE Version)

This training package(free version) includes one of three and two of five workshops that help you to partially learn how to use Python scripting in Abaqus software. This is likewise the most comprehensive tutorial for the script, and it is appropriate for beginners to advanced users. The subjects such as parameterization, optimization, sequential running and etc. are covered in this tutorial. To access the full version of this package, click here. It should be mentioned, that the free version of this package, it is not included software files and scripts.  

UMAT Subroutine (VUMAT Subroutine) in ABAQUS-Free Version- UMAT Abaqus example

This package includes the free version of the two following packages. The following packages include 11 workshops for writing different types of subroutines and give you instructions and points to write your own UMAT/VUMAT subroutine. Here, a UMAT Abaqus example is free to download.

"UMAT Subroutine (VUMAT Subroutine) introduction" is used when the material model is not available in ABAQUS software. If you follow this tutorial package, including standard and explicit solver, you will have the ability to write, debug and verify your subroutine based on customized material to use this in complex structures. These lectures are the introduction to writing advanced UMAT and VUMAT subroutines in hyperelastic Martials, Composites, and Metal, and so on. Watch Demo

"Advanced UMAT Subroutine (VUMAT Subroutine)" training package helps Abaqus users to prepare complex UMAT and VUMAT subroutines. This training package is suitable for those who are familiar with subroutine or want to learn UMAT/VUMAT subroutine Professionally. Equations for computational plasticity based on kinematic stiffness are also discussed. In addition, metal damage has been implemented based on Johnson Cook's model. Watch Demo

Advanced Finite Element Analysis of Off-Axis Tunnel Cracking Laminates

The project investigates off-axis oriented tunnel cracking laminates. It focuses on cracks growing at an angle to the primary fiber direction in layered laminates. By examining factors such as ply thickness, crack spacing, and material properties, the study analyzes how these elements influence the energy release rate and mode mix during crack propagation. The project employs Abaqus CAE, along with UEL and UMAT subroutines, to model and analyze these cracks. It offers comprehensive insights into crack growth mechanics under various loading conditions. Moreover, a Python script is used to automate the entire simulation process. It handles tasks such as geometry creation, defining model properties, setting boundary conditions, generating and modifying input files, and post-processing. So, it enables us to calculate crack profiles and energy release rates. The project benefits researchers, engineers, academics, and industry practitioners by providing valuable methodologies and insights into the behavior of composite materials.

An Efficient Stiffness Degradation Composites Model with Arbitrary Cracks | An Abaqus Simulation

Composite materials are critical in high-performance applications due to their exceptional strength-to-weight ratios and customizable properties. They are widely used in aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering. However, their complex structure makes them susceptible to various damage mechanisms, such as tunnel cracking and delamination, which can significantly affect their structural integrity. Accurate damage prediction is essential for effective use and maintenance. Traditional methods often rely on extensive experimental testing, but finite element analysis (FEA) has become a valuable alternative. Abaqus is particularly effective for modeling composite damage due to its comprehensive material modeling and customizable subroutines. The research presented utilizes Abaqus to develop a model for predicting Stiffness Degradation Composites laminates with arbitrarily oriented cracks, offering valuable insights into damage progression and stiffness loss under various loading conditions. To achieve this, UEL, UMAT, and DISP subroutines are used. Additionally, a Python script is provided to import the model into Abaqus.  


Golden Package

If you are a graduate or Ph.D. student, if you are a university professor or an expert engineer in the industry who deals with simulation software, you are definitely familiar with the limitations of this software in defining the material properties, loading or meshing, interaction properties, and etc. You have certainly tried to define the properties of materials based on advanced fracture theories in finite element software and are familiar with their limitations and problems. Now, here is your solution. Start writing subroutines in finite element software and overcome the limitations. With the tutorials in the Golden Package, you will learn how to write 8 subroutines in Abaqus software professionally.

Composite simulation for experts-Part-1

If you are a graduate or Ph.D. student, if you are a university professor or an expert engineer in the industry who deals with simulation software, you are definitely familiar with the limitations of this software in defining the material properties, loading or meshing, interaction properties, and etc. You have certainly tried to define the properties of materials based on advanced fracture theories in finite element software and are familiar with their limitations and problems. Now, here is your solution. Start writing subroutines in finite element software and overcome the limitations. With the tutorials in the Golden Package, you will learn how to write 8 subroutines in Abaqus software professionally.

Abaqus for Civil Engineering Part-1

The "Abaqus for Civil Engineering” package is a comprehensive and invaluable resource designed to cater to the needs of civil engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike. This all-inclusive package comprises a collection of several specialized tutorial packages, making it an essential tool for mastering various aspects of civil engineering. With this package, you gain access to an extensive library of high-quality video tutorials that cover a wide range of topics within civil engineering. Each tutorial provides clear, concise, and engaging explanations of fundamental concepts, advanced techniques, and practical applications.

ABAQUS Projects Package

If you need common industrial simulations in the fields of forming, fracture, explosion, impact, etc., this package can provide you with comprehensive training along with an instructional video file and software file. You can quickly meet your educational needs in learning the elementary and intermediate level of Abaqus software using this package.

ABAQUS course for beginners | FEM simulation tutorial

In this Abaqus course for beginners, which is designed for FEM Simulation students in mechanical engineering, various examples in the most widely used fields are presented. These examples are provided with the necessary points and theories for simulation. With this training package, you will be able to get acquainted with different ABAQUS modules in the form of various examples in modeling, how to get the output and the necessary results for reporting. You can download the syllabus of this package here. Watch Demo

Bio-Mechanical Abaqus simulation Full package

Original price was: € 380.0.Current price is: € 342.0.

This video tutorial package offers a comprehensive guide to biomechanical simulations using Abaqus, covering a range of applications from dental to orthopedic and cardiovascular analyses. The workshops delve into finite element method (FEM) simulations, exploring static loading on human teeth, crack growth in bones under bending, bone drilling, and the behavior of titanium foam implants. Each tutorial emphasizes the importance of precise modeling and meshing techniques, utilizing dynamic explicit procedures, Johnson-Cook material models, and various contact and boundary conditions to simulate realistic biomechanical behaviors. Additionally, the package includes fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations for blood flow within coronary vessels, addressing both Newtonian and non-Newtonian models, and demonstrates the integration of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with structural analysis for enhanced accuracy. The lessons complement the workshops by introducing fundamental FEM concepts, solver selection, explicit analysis considerations, and damage modeling, ensuring users gain a solid understanding of both theoretical and practical aspects of biomechanical simulations in Abaqus.


Additive Manufacturing or 3D Printing Abaqus simulation

Original price was: € 440.0.Current price is: € 396.0.
3D printing is a process of creating three-dimensional objects by layering materials, such as plastic or metal, based on a digital design. 3D printing simulation involves using software to predict and optimize the printing process, allowing for more efficient and accurate production. This educational package includes two 3D printing modeling methods. The first method is based on the use of subroutines and Python scripting. After an introduction to the 3D printing process, the first method with all of its detail is explained; then, there would be two workshops for this method; the first workshop is for the 3D printing simulation of a gear with uniform cross-section and the second one is for a shaft with non-uniform cross-section. The second method uses a plug-in called AM Modeler. With this plug-in, the type of 3D printing can be selected, and after inserting the required inputs and applying some settings, the 3D printing simulation is done without any need for coding. Two main workshops will be taught to learn how to use this plug-in: "Sequential thermomechanical analysis of simple cube one-direction with LPBF 3D printing method using the trajectory-based method with AM plug-in" and "3D printing simulation with Fusion deposition modeling and Laser direct energy deposition method with AM plug-in".

💿Abaqus for Beginners (Abaqus for Civil Engineering)

In the present Abaqus tutorial for civil engineering package, we, "The CAE Assistant", have presented all the Abaqus basic skills that a civil engineer needs when he/she wants to use his/her engineering knowledge in computer-aided designing. Abaqus tutorial for civil engineering covers all your need to simulate concrete, reinforcements, buckling, frequency, damage, composite, cohesive and more topics related to Abaqus structural analysis tutorial. You can watch the demo video for more information.

ABAQUS course for beginners | FEM simulation tutorial

In this Abaqus course for beginners, which is designed for FEM Simulation students in mechanical engineering, various examples in the most widely used fields are presented. These examples are provided with the necessary points and theories for simulation. With this training package, you will be able to get acquainted with different ABAQUS modules in the form of various examples in modeling, how to get the output and the necessary results for reporting. You can download the syllabus of this package here. Watch Demo

Composite Fatigue Simulation with UMAT Subroutine in ABAQUS (unidirectional)

The composite fatigue training package completely teaches how to simulate and analyze a fatigue composite model with the help of UMAT Subroutine in Abaqus software. In this training package, we have provided all the files needed for your training, including articles, theories, how to write subroutines, and software settings.

Curing process simulation in Abaqus

Original price was: € 250.0.Current price is: € 225.0.
Fiber-reinforced composites have found widespread use across various fields due to their remarkable properties. This necessitates a careful design of their manufacturing processes to attain industrial application quality. The critical factor influencing their quality is the curing process, wherein the resin transforms into a solid state under temperature cycles. However, the challenge lies in achieving optimal curing quality while maintaining production efficiency. To overcome this challenge, an effective approach involves utilizing numerical simulations to optimize temperature cycles during curing. Nonetheless, creating such a model is complex as it must consider multiple factors concurrently, including temperature release from chemical reactions, shrinkage strains, and stress resulting from temperature variations, topics covered in this package. The package begins with an introduction to fiber-reinforced composites, exploring their advantages, applications, and categorization. It guides you through the fabrication process, detailing curing techniques and associated challenges. Furthermore, the package introduces constitutive equations for simulating the curing process and the necessary Abaqus subroutines for implementation. Additionally, two practical workshops are included to offer experience in modeling the curing process with Abaqus. These workshops enable you to evaluate internal heat generation and analyze strain and stress distributions. They not only provide guidance on simulation and subroutine implementation but also are provided for verification purposes.

UMAT Subroutine (VUMAT Subroutine) introduction

Original price was: € 220.0.Current price is: € 198.0.

This package is usable when the material model is not available in ABAQUS software. If you follow this tutorial package, including standard and explicit solver, you will have the ability to write, debug and verify your subroutine based on customized material to use this in complex structures. These lectures are an introduction to write advanced UMAT and VUMAT subroutines in hyperelastic Martials, Composites and Metal and so on.

Watch Demo

Implementation of Cohesive by interaction & element based methods in ABAQUS

Original price was: € 110.0.Current price is: € 99.0.

This package teaches you how to choose the method and apply cohesive modeling for various simple and complex problems. The training package also teaches you how to define the basic geometry of the adhesive elements and how to define the mechanical behavior in elastic and damaged regions in ABAQUS FEM software.

UHARD Subroutine (VUHARD Subroutine) in ABAQUS

Original price was: € 140.0.Current price is: € 126.0.
UHARD stands for user-defined hardening models. For isotropic plasticity or combined hardening models, UHARD is a user subroutine to define the yield surface size and hardening parameters. In this tutorial package, you will learn when you need to use this subroutine first; Next, how to use the UHARD & VUHARD subroutine; After that, the difference between the UHARD & VUHARD subroutines and last, there will be four workshops to teach how to use them in action. The workshops are:  Implementation of UHARD Subroutine for isotropic hardening (formulation based) in a simple model, Deep Drawing simulation with VUHARD Subroutine or isotropic hardening Data-based with element removal, Simulation of material under pressure with UHARD Subroutine as internal subroutine combined with UMAT, and Simulation of incremental forming with VUHARD Subroutine Dharmasena modified Based.

DISP and VDISP Subroutines in ABAQUS

Original price was: € 120.0.Current price is: € 108.0.
In a very simple form, DISP and VDISP subroutines are used to define user-defined boundary conditions. For example, when you need to define a boundary condition to be time-dependent, location-dependent, or even both, you should use the DISP and VDISP subroutines. ABAQUS features cannot be sufficient for problems with location-dependent and time-dependent boundary conditions simultaneously. In these cases, this subroutine can be useful to solve the challenges. In This package, you will understand the usages of these subroutines and how to work with them in three conceptual and simple workshops.

Introduction to VFRICTION and VFRIC Subroutines in ABAQUS

Original price was: € 130.0.Current price is: € 117.0.

This tutorial help you in cases where the classical Columbian equations are more complex and cannot be implemented by the graphical ABAQUS environment. This package introduces and teaches how to write these two subroutines. This introduction contains explaining different optional and mandatory parameters of VFRICTION and VFRIC subroutines.

Python scripting in ABAQUS Part1

Original price was: € 195.0.Current price is: € 175.0.
This training package includes workshops that help you to learn how to use Python scripting in Abaqus software. This is likewise the most comprehensive tutorial for the script, and it is appropriate for beginners to advanced users. The subjects such as parameterization, optimization, sequential running and etc., are covered in this tutorial.

Johnson Cook plasticity and damage simulation

Original price was: € 140.0.Current price is: € 126.0.
To drive new ideas, we occasionally need to modify the theory of Johnson-equations. Cook's As a result, we learn how to use the Abaqus model for Johnson Cook theory as well as how to create subroutines for this model in this training package. There are already two written subroutines. You will learn how to apply Johnson-Cook progressive damage in the second one after learning how to apply Johnson-Cook plasticity and damage initiation in the first.

Essential Abaqus Training for Engineers: From Basics to Advanced Techniques


This beginner-friendly Abaqus course offers a complete guide to mastering finite element simulations through step-by-step tutorials and practical workshops. It covers essential topics such as Abaqus/CAE basics, finite element theory, composite material simulation, and thermal and impact analyses. Advanced sections delve into UMAT/VUMAT subroutines and Python scripting, equipping users with skills to automate workflows and solve complex engineering problems. Workshops include real-world examples like cantilever beams, forming processes, and fracture simulations. Perfect for engineering students and professionals, this course helps you build a solid foundation in Abaqus and expand your simulation capabilities.

Fretting Fatigue Failure Simulation with Scripting in Abaqus


This Package offers a comprehensive tutorial on using Abaqus for Fretting Fatigue Failure Simulation. To do so, it combines theoretical knowledge with practical application in Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations. The package guides users through both detailed lessons and interactive workshops. In fact, it focuses on developing 2D Fretting-Fatigue models in Abaqus with three core areas: model creation with exclusively designed meshing methodologies, the development of custom Field Outputs for detailed analysis, and automated parameter selection and post-processing through Python scripting.

Throughout the tutorial, participants master critical aspects of Fretting Fatigue Failure simulation. It includes basics from mesh refinement techniques and step control optimization to complete workflow automation. The program distinctively integrates command prompt operations for extracting Field Outputs and modifying simulation parameters. For example, we can refer to the Coefficient of Friction (CoF). Users gain practical experience in creating robust models while understanding the fundamental principles of the Fretting Fatigue Failure phenomenon.

Upon completion, participants will acquire the skills to independently develop and analyze Fretting Fatigue failure simulations. Moreover, they can automate post-processing tasks, and implement custom analysis parameters for precise fatigue prediction in mechanical systems.

Domino Effect Simulation in Abaqus | With a Review of Contact Definition Methods in Abaqus Explicit


This project focuses on the domino effect simulation with Abaqus CAE, a widely recognized finite element program. The domino effect refers to a chain reaction where one event triggers a series of similar events. It often leads to larger and unpredictable consequences. The project highlights the challenges of defining contact between components in Abaqus, a crucial aspect of domino effect simulation. The provided video explains the step-by-step modeling process. However, since one of the key challenges in this topic is defining contact, we have also attached a separate PDF. It covers defining contact in Abaqus Explicit. It includes its formulations and methods. The PDF will provide you with a better understanding of the modeling process. You can also apply it to model other problems.

How to use ABAQUS Documentation


This package teach you how to simulate your customized problem by using help to find similar problems and execute them, theories, using scripts and subroutines and etc.

Inherent strain method in Metal Additive Manufacturing simulation (using subroutines and Python scripting in Abaqus)


Additive Manufacturing (AM), a revolutionary layer-by-layer fabrication technology, is transforming how products are designed and manufactured. This comprehensive tutorial package focuses on the Inherent Strain (IS) method, a highly efficient numerical approach for simulating the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) process in metal additive manufacturing. The detailed thermo-mechanical simulation of the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) for complex geometric parts requires a large number of time steps to estimate residual stress and distortion, which is not computationally cost-effective. Furthermore, based on the large thermal gradient near the heat source, the mesh size must be sufficiently small to accurately predict the induced residual stress and distortion of the deposited layers in the heat-affected zone. Therefore, applying a coupled thermo-mechanical analysis for multiple laser scans with a fine mesh model to macro-scale simulation would incur excessively large computational costs.

Additionally, the large number of degrees of freedom for each element in the mechanical analysis leads to higher complexity as well as a longer amount of processing time. Detailed thermo-mechanical analysis for an industrial component is almost impractical since it would demand hundreds of terabytes of memory and years to calculate. Therefore, to overcome the huge computational burden associated with the numerical simulation of the LPBF caused by the infinitesimal laser spot size and thousands of thin layers with a thickness at the micron level, the Inherent Strain Method in additive manufacturing has been widely used in research and commercial software.

In this tutorial, the Inherent Strain Method additive manufacturing approach is presented both theoretically and practically in Abaqus. An agglomeration approach will be considered to transfer an equivalent inherent strain from both micro-scale and macro-scale modeling strategies. The implementation of this approach is explained step by step, accompanied by various workshops in micro-scale and macro-scale models for different geometries. This training package enables you to write your subroutine codes and Python scripting, as well as have more control over the LPBF process simulation.

Laser Assisted Machining (LAM): Modeling and Simulation in Abaqus/CAE


In this tutorial, a comprehensive discussion on modeling and simulation of laser assisted machining is presented. It includes building FEM-based models of machining, laser heating, and laser-assisted machining models in Abaqus/CAE. The finite element method (FEM) simulation is based on the coupled thermo-mechanical behavior. The package walks learners through building models that simulate the impact of laser heating on the workpiece. Detailed lessons cover constructing basic machining and laser heating models, setting boundary conditions like cutting speed and laser power, and writing subroutines such as DFLUX and VDFLUX to simulate laser heat sources. Additionally, learners will perform analyses to study temperature distribution, and stress-strain behavior. Through parametric analysis and comprehensive result evaluation, learners will gain a deep understanding of temperature distribution, stress behavior, and how laser heating can improve the machining process.

Computational Predictions for Predicting the Performance of Structure


This package focuses on developing and applying predictive models for the structural analysis of steel and concrete components subjected to fire and subsequent earthquake loading. To accurately simulate the complex behavior of these structures, finite element analysis (FEA) using ABAQUS is employed. The Taguchi method optimizes the number of samples needed for FE analysis, and this method is used with SPSS after explanation its concept. However, due to the computational demands of FEA, various machine learning techniques, including regression models, Gene Expression Programming (GEP), Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS), and ensemble methods, are explored as surrogate models. These models are trained on large datasets of FEA results to predict structural responses efficiently. The performance of these models is evaluated using statistical metrics such as RMSE, NMSE, and coefficient of determination.

Damage Prediction in Reinforced Concrete Tunnels under Internal Water Pressure


This tutorial package equips you with the knowledge and tools to simulate the behavior of reinforced concrete tunnels (RCTs) subjected to internal water pressure. It combines the power of finite element (FE) modeling with artificial intelligence (AI) for efficient and accurate analysis. The Taguchi method optimizes the number of samples needed for FE analysis, and this method is used with SPSS after explanation its concept.

By leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques such as regression, GEP, ML, DL, hybrid, and ensemble models,  we significantly reduce computational costs and time while achieving high accuracy in predicting structural responses and optimizing designs.

Computational Modeling of Steel Plate Shear Wall (SPSW) Behavior


This course equips engineers with the tools to design and analyze Steel Plate Shear Wall (SPSW) and Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls (RCSW) subjected to explosive loads. Traditional Finite Element (FE) simulation is time-consuming and requires numerous samples for accurate results. This package offers a more efficient approach using Artificial Intelligence (AI) models trained on FEA data. You'll learn to develop FE models of SPSW and RCSW in ABAQUS software, considering material properties, interactions, and boundary conditions. The Taguchi method optimizes the number of samples needed for FE analysis, and this method is used with SPSS after explanation its concept.

We then delve into AI modeling using MATLAB. Explore various methods like regression, Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and ensemble models to predict the behavior of SPSW and RCSW under blast loads. Statistical analysis helps compare model accuracy. By combining FE analysis with AI models, you'll gain a powerful tool for designing blast-resistant structures while saving time and resources.

Earthquake Damping in 8-Story Structure using Bypass Viscous Damper | Seismic Damping in Masonry Cladding


In this package, the dynamic behavior of a developed bypass viscous damper is thoroughly evaluated as an advanced solution for earthquake damping. This innovative seismic damping device features a flexible, high-pressure hose that serves as an external orifice, functioning as a thermal compensator to reduce viscous heating during dynamic events. By adjusting the hose’s dimensions, the damper’s performance can be fine-tuned to provide optimal damping properties. Comprehensive simulations using CFD models in ABAQUS and structural analysis in SAP2000 validate the damper’s effectiveness. The package also offers a simplified design procedure for integrating these dampers into structures, demonstrated through an 8-story hospital case study, where the dampers significantly reduce structural demands and enhance the performance of nonstructural elements during seismic events.

Abaqus advanced tutorials on concrete members


Welcome to the "Abaqus Advanced Tutorials on Concrete Members" course, designed to provide civil and structural engineers with cutting-edge expertise in finite element modeling (FEM) and simulation using Abaqus. This advanced-level course focuses on the detailed modeling of complex concrete and composite columns under various loading conditions. Topics include the simulation of tubed reinforced concrete columns, concrete-filled double skin steel columns, and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite columns. Participants will delve into axial and eccentric compression loading scenarios, with a special focus on hollow and tapered cross-sections. The course also emphasizes comparing simulation results with experimental data from published research, ensuring practical relevance and accuracy. By the end of the course, learners will be equipped with the necessary skills to tackle advanced structural analysis challenges using Abaqus, reinforcing their understanding of concrete member behavior in real-world applications.

Abaqus basic tutorials on concrete beams and columns

Original price was: € 150.0.Current price is: € 135.0.

Welcome to the “Abaqus Basic Tutorials on Concrete Members,” a comprehensive course tailored for civil and structural engineers seeking to master finite element modeling (FEM) of concrete structures. This tutorial covers key concepts such as plain concrete beam and column modeling, reinforced concrete members, and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. The course guides learners through the application of boundary conditions, material properties, and various loading conditions in Abaqus. Key topics include plain concrete beam and column modeling, reinforcement modeling with steel bars and stirrups, and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement techniques. Participants will also explore comparing simulation results with experimental data, as well as interpreting critical outcomes such as stress distribution and failure modes. Through hands-on workshops, learners will simulate structural behaviors under axial, lateral, and compression loads, ensuring a practical understanding of FEM for concrete members. By the end of this course, participants will be proficient in using Abaqus to model and analyze concrete structures, reinforced elements, and advanced composites, providing them with a strong foundation for structural analysis and design.

Pipe Soil Interaction in Abaqus


Pipe Soil Interaction refers to how buried pipelines and surrounding soil respond to loads and dynamic events, crucial for assessing the stability of pipelines used for water, gas, and oil distribution. This tutorial package includes six workshops that use Abaqus to simulate various soil-pipe scenarios. The tutorials cover the long-term load capacity of pipe piles under axial loads, and multiple simulations of coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) explosions near or inside steel pipelines buried in soil. These simulations employ advanced material models like the Johnson-Cook plasticity for steel and Mohr-Coulomb plasticity for soil, along with the JWL equation for TNT explosions.

Workshops focus on both external and internal explosions, exploring how blast waves affect pipeline integrity and soil deformation. The tutorials emphasize critical aspects like stress, strain, and damage mechanics, offering detailed insights into pipeline behavior under extreme conditions. These simulations help engineers analyze blast loads and optimize the design of buried structures to withstand destructive forces.

Stress-strain characteristic of SFRC using recycled fibres | An Abaqus Simulation


This training utilizes Abaqus software to simulate and analyze the stress-strain characteristics of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) using recycled fibers. The importance of this work lies in its contribution to sustainable construction practices by validating the effectiveness of recycled steel fibers in enhancing concrete's mechanical properties. Through advanced finite element analysis (FEA), the project addresses challenges in accurately modeling SFRC's post-cracking behavior, ensuring that the simulations are aligned with experimental data for reliable results. Abaqus' capabilities in nonlinear material modeling, stress-strain simulation, and principal stress analysis significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of the research, making it a valuable tool for both academia and industry.

Nonlinear Analysis of RC Columns Using ABAQUS | Validation with Experimental Data


Reinforced Concrete (RC) columns are critical components in civil engineering, essential for the stability of buildings, bridges, and infrastructure during seismic events. This study leverages ABAQUS, a powerful finite element analysis (FEA) software, to simulate the seismic performance of RC columns. By modeling columns in 3D and using ABAQUS's advanced tools, we replicate experimental conditions to analyze their behavior under seismic loads. Numerical simulations offer the advantage of exploring various scenarios quickly and cost-effectively, while also allowing for extensive parametric studies. The study details how ABAQUS models both concrete and steel reinforcement, accounts for interaction effects, and applies appropriate loading and boundary conditions. The simulations provide valuable insights into failure modes, load-displacement responses, and crack patterns, offering a comprehensive understanding of RC column performance in seismic scenarios.

Analysis of Steel-Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) Beams with Abaqus

Original price was: € 40.0.Current price is: € 36.0.
Steel-Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) is an innovative composite material that enhances the structural integrity of traditional concrete by incorporating steel fibers, which improve toughness and ductility. This makes SFRC concrete particularly valuable in earthquake-prone regions, where its ability to resist cracking and absorb energy is critical. The analysis of SFRC concrete beams, through both experimental and numerical methods like finite element analysis (FEA) in Abaqus, provides insights into their behavior under seismic loads, highlighting benefits like enhanced energy dissipation and ductility. Such analysis is essential for designing resilient structures, offering significant advantages to engineers, construction companies, researchers, and policymakers.

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cae course ⭐⭐⭐Free Abaqus Course |10 hours Video  👩‍🎓+1000 Students   ♾️ Lifetime Access

✅ Module by Module Training                                  ✅ Standard/Explicit Analyses Tutorial

✅ Subroutines (UMAT) Training                    …           ✅ Python Scripting Lesson & Examples

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Here in CAE assistant, Our team of experts works on advanced engineering courses for example Abaqus course, focusing mostly on solid mechanics engineering. We provide simulation tutorials for, “shape-memory alloys”, “3D printing manufacturing process” & other topics. We aim to produce contents that cover advanced levels of each topic rather than focusing on general and elementary courses that can be easily found on the internet & YouTube. Packages also include sample codes to apply advanced theories in the analysis software.

 The finite element method (FEM) approach can be used to solve problems in a variety of engineering and mathematical physics fields, such as structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, mass transport, and electromagnetic potential. It is quite impossible to find analytical mathematical solutions to model the behavior of physical systems with complex geometries, loadings, and material properties and these differential equations typically cannot be solved because of the complex circumstances of the problem. FEM is a comprehensive tool to solve many problems and boost innovations in engineering. The main advanced engineering course that we currently cover is FEM in various software like Abaqus, Comsol and Ansys.

What is Abaqus CAE?

Abaqus CAE is used for pre-processing (modeling and analysis of mechanical parts and assemblies) as well as viewing the results of finite element analysis. The automobile, aerospace, and industrial products industries use Abaqus because of the software’s extensive material modeling capabilities and adaptability (for example, users can design their own material models so that novel materials could likewise be simulated in Abaqus), the product is popular among non-academic and research institutes in engineering as well. Abaqus CAE is the perfect software for production-level simulations when various fields need to be coupled, because it offers a good selection of multi-physics features, including coupled acoustic-structural, piezoelectric, and structural-pore capabilities.

Abaqus CAE allows for the swift and effective creation, modification, monitoring, diagnosis, and visualization of complex Abaqus analyses. Its user-friendly interface seamlessly combines modeling, analysis, job management, and results visualization into a coherent, easy-to-navigate environment. This setup is designed to be straightforward for beginners while remaining highly efficient for seasoned users. Abaqus CAE supports well-known interactive Computer-aided Engineering concepts, including feature-based and parametric modeling, interactive and scripted operations, and customization of the graphical user interface.

You can find the best training courses for ABAQUS software on CAEassistant.com; as well as courses from the primary and step-by-step training of each Abaqus module to the implementation of the most complex theories in this software fore example Abaqus fracture.

What is our innovation in CAEassistant.com?
The CAE assistant community is rapidly increasing its coding speed by using basic codes of the main and essential theories of solid mechanics and their video tutorials, leading to accelerated industrial and scientific development.

Want to join us?

Are you a solid mechanics expert? Do you have the ability to provide advanced engineering courses, especially Abaqus training courses?

We can help you publish your scientific research so that researchers and innovators can benefit from the methods and results. You can create a video course as an educational package with us on the CEAassistant.com website. Join us and share your knowledge with the world.

CAE assistant aims to provide advanced engineering courses, focusing on specific topics rather than general and elementary topics, which is why our services stand unique in the industry, differing our products from websites such as Udemy and Coursera.

Whether you’re a seasoned Abaqus user or just starting out, our comprehensive blog articles and informative posts are packed with valuable insights and practical tips to elevate your Abaqus simulation skills. Delve into our wealth of knowledge and discover how to optimize your Abaqus workflow, enhance your computational efficiency, and gain deeper understanding of complex engineering scenarios. Whether you’re looking for tips on pre-processing, contact modeling, dynamic analysis, or post-processing techniques, our blog is your one-stop resource for mastering Abaqus simulation and achieving superior results.

Explore our comprehensive Abaqus tutorial page, featuring free PDF guides and detailed videos for all skill levels. Discover both free and premium packages, along with essential information to master Abaqus efficiently. Start your journey with our Abaqus tutorial now!

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