In Static Analysis of Composite Pressure Vessels Type IV with Scripting, in which all the steps from the selection of the material to the simulation and its construction were completed and achieved acceptable results, the composite pressure vessel type IV with shell element wounded by geodesic winding method. As you know, in the winding method of composite pressure vessels, the thickness as well as the angle in dome area varies for the change of radius. That’s why this simulation can be difficult to do with high accuracy.
At the beginning of this project, scripting was used for the winding. In this method, according to element position, the thickness and angle of each element are calculated based on the winding method formula and according to the method , winding is done automatically. In the next step, the script was able to perform all the modeling steps completely for the composite shell.
Tutorial packages for CPVs:
Composite pressure vessel analysis with Semi-Geodesic winding