DrMohammad M.
Ductile Damage Abaqus model for 3D continuum element (VUMAT Subroutine)
In this package, the continuum damage mechanics framework for ductile materials is implemented and developed in ABAQUS by VUMAT Subroutine.
Constitutive modeling is treated within the framework of continuum damage mechanics (CDM) and the effect of micro-crack closure, which may decrease the rate of damage growth under compression, is incorporated and implemented.
The present package has been organized as follows. In the Introduction section, the basis of the CDM in ductile materials is explained, and the applications of the CDM are stated. In the Theory section, the CDM model formulation is briefly reviewed, and with micro-crack closure, the effect is described. In the Implementation section, an algorithm for the numerical integration of the damage constitutive equations is presented. In the VUMAT Subroutine section, the flowchart of the subroutine, and the subroutine structure, step by step, are explained in detail. How to run the VUMAT Subroutine in ABAQUS will be presented in this section. In the Verification section, the validation and verification of the numerical implementation will be evaluated, and the stability, convergence and accuracy of the results will be investigated. In the Application section, the applications of using the ductile damage model in mechanical processes are presented, and the prediction of damage growth and failure in mechanical processes is investigated.