
Gain mastery over complex engineering challenges in Abaqus through this comprehensive course focusing on advanced subroutines. Enhance the software’s capabilities and create highly tailored simulations.

Explore in-depth functionalities such as UMAT, VUMAT, USDFLD, VUSDFLD, UHARD, VUHARD, UMATHT, and UHYPER to develop unique material models, define hardening characteristics, simulate thermal effects, and manage internal heat generation using HETVAL.

Extend beyond standard features with DLOAD, VDLOAD, DFLUX, and VDFLUX to handle intricate loading scenarios and variations in heat flux. Implement time-dependent loads and boundary conditions with UAMP, VUAMP, DISP, and VDISP.

Take control with UMESHMOTION for mesh movement, and utilize UEL and VUEL for complex element behavior. Address complex friction scenarios with VFRICTION and VFRIC, and manage custom outputs and thermal strains using UVARM, VUVARM, UEXPAN, and VUEXPAN.

This course is designed for proficient Abaqus users aiming to push the boundaries of simulation capabilities and effectively solve real-world engineering challenges beyond conventional methods.


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This course serves as an extensive guide to Abaqus subroutines, offering a powerful means to expand the software’s capabilities. It covers a wide array of subroutines, including:

Material Subroutines:

  • UMAT and VUMAT: These are used to create complex material models that aren’t available in Abaqus by default.
  • USDFLD and VUSDFLD: Allow the definition of material properties that vary based on different conditions.
  • UHYPER Subroutine: Used to define strain energy for hyperelastic isotropic materials.
  • UHARD and VUHARD Subroutines: Enable users to define custom hardening models.
  • UMATHT Subroutine: Utilized for specifying a material’s thermal behavior.

Load Subroutines:

  • VDLOAD and DLOAD: Allow the definition of complex loading conditions.
  • DFLUX Subroutine: Used for thermal loading scenarios where heat flux depends on other variables.
  • UAMP and VUAMP Subroutines: Define time-dependent loads and boundary conditions.

Boundary Condition Subroutines:

  • DISP and VDISP Subroutines: Used to specify complex boundary conditions.

Mesh Subroutines:

  • UMESHMOTION Subroutine: Facilitates mesh motion for adaptive meshing techniques.

Other Subroutines:

  • UEL and VUEL Subroutines: Applied with the Abaqus Explicit solver to define custom element behavior for complex materials and elements.
  • VFRICTION and VFRIC Subroutines: Used to simulate friction in complex situations.
  • UVARM and VUVARM Subroutines: Define user-specific output variables at material calculation points.
  • UEXPAN and VUEXPAN Subroutines: Specify incremental thermal strains.
  • HETVAL Subroutine: Used for defining heat flux due to internal heat generation within a material.

The course also includes workshops that demonstrate how to apply these subroutines to solve specific engineering problems. Overall, it is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to master Abaqus subroutines to create custom material models, loads, boundary conditions, and more.


Lesson 1-1: How to use UMAT/VUMAT subroutines

Workshop 1-1: Writing UMAT subroutine for isotropic isothermal elasticity

Lesson 1-2: How to use USDFLD/VUSDFLD subroutines

Workshop 1-2: Simulation of elastic properties of soil in different depth with USDFLD subroutine

Lesson 1-3: How to use UHYPER subroutine

Workshop 1-3: Implementation of Neo-Hookean material behavior in ABAQUS via UHYPER subroutine

Lesson 1-4: How to use UHARD and VUHARD subroutines?

Workshop 1-4: Implementation of UHARD subroutine for isotropic hardening (formulation based) in simple model


Lesson 2-1: How to use DLOAD/VDLOAD subroutines

Workshop 2-1: Composite shell structure in cylindrical bending with sine loading

Lesson 2-2: How to use UAMP/VUAMP subroutines

Workshop 2-2: Ramp amplitude in UAMP subroutine


Lesson 3-1: How to use UMATHT subroutine?

Workshop 3-1: Modeling thermal behavior of a steel ruler with UMATHT subroutine.

Lesson 3-2: How to use DFLUX subroutine?

Workshop 3-2: Simulation of welding between two plate with DFLUX subroutine (Heat transfer Analysis)

Lesson 3-3: How to use UEXPAN/VUEXPAN subroutines

Workshop 3-3: Isotropic thermal expansion behavior

Lesson 3-4: Introduction to HETVAL subroutine in ABAQUS

Workshop 3-4: Simulation of a 2D domain under constant heat flux


Lesson 4-1: How to use UEL subroutine?

Workshop 4-1: Writing UEL subroutine for planar beam element with nonlinear section behaviour

Lesson 4-2: How to use VUEL subroutine?

Workshop 4-2: Analysis of a one-element truss structure using VUEL subroutine

Lesson 4-3: How to use UVARM/VUVARM subroutines?

Workshop 4-3: Safety factor calculation of hemispherical metal with crack under internal pressure

Lesson 4-4: How to use UHYPER subroutine?

Workshop 4-4: Implementation of Neo-Hookean material behavior in ABAQUS via UHYPER subroutine

Lesson 4-5: How to use UMESHMOTION subroutine?

Workshop 4-5: Writing UMESHMOTION subroutine in Forming Process (2D wear)

Lesson 4-6: How to use VFRIC/VFRICTION subroutine?

Workshop 4-6: Simulation interaction between deformable cubic and rigid surface for Mohr Coloumb model with VFRIC

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  • Online payment: with MasterCard, VisaCard and etc.
  • Offline payment: In this payment method, you should pay via PayPal and send your payment receipt as an attached file in the offline payment form.
  • via download link After purchase, a download link will be sent to you a zip file included training videos, documents and software files.
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Abaqus tutorial video
Lecture notes
Abaqus workshop files
Contains all required files
Works for all Abaqus versions
Safe payment
money-back guarantee
Free 24/7 online mentoring
Access for life
updated content
Time-Saving Short But Full
Premium Corporate and Academic Clients
Prepared by High-Level Researchers
Fortran Abaqus subroutines
All payment method


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