Abaqus Impact Analysis

Impact in Abaqus is one of the most important mechanical tests used to check safety before construction. Due to the expansion of the use of this test in the industry, including the automotive industry, the importance of the issue has increased. In this package, by presenting 7 workshops, we try to teach you most of the capabilities of Abaqus software for this widely used topic.

Module by module Abaqus Training

If you are new to Abaqus software and the topic of finite element analysis, you definitely need to get acquainted with the user interface of this software and the general features of each module. In this software, we perform different simulation steps in the following different modules and at the end, we receive the analysis results from the software solver. In this package, you will learn how to work with the software in each module and perform your simulation in each module properly.

Optimization in ABAQUS Analysis

This tutorial teaches how optimize topology of a model in ABAQUS. Structural optimization is an iterative process that helps to improve designs and produce parts and components that are lightweight, strong and long-lasting. Topology optimization begins with an initial design, which is assumed to be the maximum physical extent of the component, and determines a new material distribution by changing the density and the stiffness of the elements in the initial design while continuing to satisfy the optimization constraints. In this package different workshops to implement topology optimization are used.

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ABAQUS FEA Training (Free cantilever beam tutorial)

This free tutorial package is an introduction to beams in Abaqus, which is a series of example-based training videos and in this course as the first step of this series, we’re going to simulate an I-shaped beam with different types of loads and boundary conditions and in static and dynamic methods to compare the results with the theory. Watch Demo

Welding Simulation in ABAQUS

This training package fully covers the various possible methods for welding simulation. First, an introduction to welding and two basic categories of welding, fusion and non-fusion welding. Next, the theories and the elements used to simulate the welding will be explained. These theories are Lagrangian, Eulerian, ALE, and SPH. After that, you will learn how to apply these theories with different methods, such as the death and birth of an element, DFLUX subroutine, etc. Next, we have discussed the simulation of two-pass gas metal arc welding Processes in Abaqus, in a manner that can be extended to multi-pass and other types of welding. This heat flux created by the electric arc is transferred to the welded parts and leads to a significant increase in temperature. To do so, we will use Goldak's Double Ellipsoid Heat Source Model with the DFLUX subroutine (Considering the death and birth of elements). Finally, you will learn how to simulate welding with the help of six workshops: Friction Stir Welding (FSW) simulation with the Eulerian element, Explosive welding simulation, simulation of FSW with the SPH method, Butt welding with death and birth of an element method, Simulation of Arc welding between two tubes with DFLUX subroutine (Thermomechanical Analysis), and simulation of Two-Pass Arc Welding (Including the Birth and Death of Elements) and Its Extension to Other Welding Types.

UMAT Subroutine (VUMAT Subroutine) introduction

Original price was: € 220.0.Current price is: € 198.0.

This package is usable when the material model is not available in ABAQUS software. If you follow this tutorial package, including standard and explicit solver, you will have the ability to write, debug and verify your subroutine based on customized material to use this in complex structures. These lectures are an introduction to write advanced UMAT and VUMAT subroutines in hyperelastic Martials, Composites and Metal and so on.

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