1. Introduction to Impact and Abaqus Impact

How to do an Abaqus Impact Analysis?

Abaqus impact is essential for simulating real-world events, such as crashes, collisions, or material drops. Whether you are analyzing a vehicle collision or a small object hitting a surface, Abaqus provides powerful tools to help you visualize and study these events.

To perform an Abaqus Impact Simulation, you need to follow a structured workflow. This includes modeling your part, setting up the material properties, meshing, applying the boundary conditions, and running the simulation using the right analysis step.

To get started with an impact simulation in Abaqus, the first step is understanding the type of impact you want to simulate. Impacts can be broadly classified into high-speed and low-speed categories. For better understanding, let’s make an example with Abaqus High-speed impact simulation:

You can see the example step by step by Downloading this PDF File:

Abaqus Impact Analysis

What is impact?

"impact" refers to the force or shock that occurs when two objects collide or come into sudden contact. It often involves high forces over a short period of time and can result in stress, damage, or deformation to materials and structures.

Simple Definition: Impact in engineering is when two objects hit each other, causing a sudden force or shock.

Examples for Better Understanding:

Car crash: When two cars collide, the impact creates a sudden force, which can bend metal, break glass, and cause damage. Engineers study this to design safer cars.

Hammering a nail: The impact of the hammer hitting the nail drives the nail into wood. The nail undergoes force from the hammer.

Ball hitting a wall: When a ball is thrown and hits a wall, the impact can cause the ball to bounce back or the wall to crack if it's weak. Engineers calculate the force involved to design stronger walls.

Meteor hitting Earth: If a meteor crashes into Earth, the impact creates a shockwave, possibly causing craters and damage over a large area. Engineers and scientists study this to predict and reduce damage.

Engineers analyze impact forces to design structures, vehicles, or objects that can withstand or absorb these sudden forces, ensuring safety and durability.

Some Other Parameters in Abaqus Impact Tutorial

Modeling the Part

For an Abaqus Impact Simulation, start by modeling the object that will be impacted or that will do the impacting. We’re simulating a cylindrical rod hitting a rigid wall. The cylinder has a length of 2.54 cm and a radius of 0.381 cm.

In Abaqus:

Go to Part → Create → 3D, Deformable, Solid, Extrusion, and continue by drawing the rod's cross-section.

After completing the sketch, specify the cylinder's height as 2.54 cm.

This step gives you a 3D model of the rod, which is the first requirement for running an analysis.

What Do We Need to Know for Abaqus Impact Analysis?

For an accurate impact simulation, you need a thorough understanding of the mechanical properties of the materials involved and the analysis type best suited for the event.

Material Properties

In high-speed impacts, materials exhibit behaviors that differ from static conditions. For example, the strain rate plays a significant role. In our simulation, the Johnson-Cook model is used. This material model is designed for high strain-rate scenarios and accounts for plasticity, strain rate sensitivity, and temperature effects. In the picture below, you can see the all parameters you need to know for this example in one glance:

Figure 1: Material parameters for the cylindrical rod hitting a rigid wall example

and in figure 2, you can see that where to insert the Johnson-Cook parameters:

Figure 2: Inserting Johnson-Cook parameters

These parameters are entered into Abaqus through the Material Module:

Property → Material → Create, and define the mechanical properties as mentioned above.

Are There Any Specific Parameters We Need to Know About?

Yes, impact analysis in Abaqus involves several key parameters. Some of the most critical ones include mesh density, boundary conditions, and the analysis step type.

  1. Mesh Density

The mesh in an impact simulation must be fine enough to capture detailed deformations but coarse enough to keep computation time reasonable. In our case, we use a structured mesh with Hex elements, which are suitable for solid structures like the cylinder. Follow these steps in Abaqus:

Mesh Module → Seed Edges and choose by number:

  • Set 10 elements along the radial edges.
  • Set 40 elements along the length.
  • Set 14 elements along the curved edges.

Then, select the Hex element shape and assign Explicit elements for high-speed impact calculations.

  1. Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions are essential for defining how the model interacts with its surroundings. For this simulation:

Apply Gravity: Go to Load Module → Gravity, and define the gravitational forces acting on the model.

Initial Velocity: Define the initial speed of the rod as 19000 cm/sec by selecting Load Module → Predefined Field → Velocity.

Fixing the Bottom Surface: The bottom of the rod, which impacts the rigid wall, needs to be constrained:

Use Load Module → Boundary Condition → Displacement/Rotation and set U3 = 0.

Also, symmetry boundary conditions should be applied along the X and Y planes to reduce computation time while maintaining accuracy.

  1. Choosing the Right Analysis Step

The Dynamic, Explicit step is the best choice for high-speed impacts. It’s designed to handle large deformations, contact interactions, and rapid changes in momentum. Here’s how to set it up:

Go to Step → Create Step, select Dynamic, Explicit, and set the Time Period to 7e-5 seconds.

Enable Nlgeom for non-linear geometric effects, and turn on adiabatic heating to account for temperature rise during the plastic deformation of the rod.

These parameters ensure that Abaqus accurately simulates the behavior of the rod during the impact with the rigid wall.

The full Abaqus Impact Tutorial of this example is available in this PDF file.

How to Determine if It’s a High-Speed or Low-Speed Impact?

Impact Velocity:

  • High-Speed Impact: Typically above 10 m/s.
  • Low-Speed Impact: Typically below 10 m/s.

Strain Rate:

  • High-Speed Impact: Strain rates between 10^3 to 10^6 s⁻¹.
  • Low-Speed Impact: Strain rates below 10^3 s⁻¹.

Material Response:

  • High-Speed Impact: Strain rate sensitivity and thermal effects are critical.
  • Low-Speed Impact: Material behaves more predictably, with elastic or slow plastic deformation.

Analysis Type:

  • High-Speed Impact: Requires a Dynamic, Explicit analysis in Abaqus to handle rapid changes and large deformations.
  • Low-Speed Impact: Can often be handled with quasi-static analysis or Dynamic, Implicit for more gradual load application.

Abaqus Impact Analysis

(15 customer reviews)


Impact in Abaqus is one of the most important mechanical tests used to check safety before construction. Due to the expansion of the use of this test in the industry, including the automotive industry, the importance of the issue has increased. In this package, by presenting 7 workshops, we try to teach you most of the capabilities of Abaqus software for this widely used topic.


.inps,video files, Fortran files (if available), Flowchart file (if available), Python files (if available), Pdf files (if available)

Tutorial video duration

146 minutes


No narration


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Applicable to all versions




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Analysis of impact  in ABAQUS

In this package, we will teach you how to simulate and analyze Impact-Crash in Abaqus software. Also, these 7 workshops are practical examples for you. Here, we have also discussed how to use the dynamic explicit solver. In the following, we will briefly introduce each of the workshops.

The importance of analyzing the problems in the field of impact mechanics is not hidden from anyone. Crash testing is a type of destruction test that is performed to estimate the safety of parts against destruction and adaptation to critical design conditions. Analyzing the strength of structures such as cars, submarines, analyzing the impact of a tennis ball on a racket, and finding the bounce coefficient between two objects show just one aspect of the breadth and variety of impact mechanics. However, Abaqus software, as one of the most powerful analytical tools, has the ability to model and analyze problems in the field of impact mechanics with very high accuracy. In this package, we will teach you the most widely used examples of this simulation group for Impact-Crash. For more information click the link.

Workshop 1: simulation of Can drop in a Lagrangian space

In the first workshop for the impact-crash test, we will simulate and analyze a can of water in a Lagrangian space. In this tutorial, we will show you how to solve explicit-dynamics jobs. Note that the initial speed was considered to the Can and the liquid inside.

Workshop 2: Impact analysis on Balloon with Bullet

This workshop teaches you how to simulate the impact of a rigid bullet on a balloon full of gas as one example of impact crash. How to consider the inertia for the model, define the hyperelastic material and solve it by the dynamic-explicit method is fully discussed. Moreover, this workshop teaches you how to simulate the pressure caused by the gas inside the balloon.

Workshop 3: Impact analysis on a plate with bullet

In this example, we analyze and simulate the impact of a bullet on a plate, both of them are made of aluminum. In this analysis, Johnson Cook’s law was used for damage. We will introduce you to how to partition for having more accuracy at the site of damage through the finer mesh. The solution method to this analysis is dynamic-explicit.

Workshop 4: Simulation of aluminum can

impact in Abaqus

In the fourth example, our goal is to analyze and simulate the crash test. As you know, the crash test is one of the most important mechanical laboratory tests in the industry. In this example, we simulate an aluminum can place between two rigid plates, fixed on one side and pressed on the other. Importantly, the solver is dynamic explicit and is taught how to create contacts between surfaces completely.

Workshop 5: Impact crush Simulation of metal can

In this workshop, we will simulate a mechanical collision test in Abaqus software. In this example, we simulate the collision of an aluminum can with a steel block. Here’s how to build the parts, assign the material, configure the dynamic explicit solution steps, and finally analyze the results. Also, in the final section, you will see the settings for the velocity-time and energy-time graphs.

Workshop 6:  Simulation of pipe test impact in Abaqus

In this workshop, we simulated a test crash between a steel pipe and a rigid plate. By defining a reference point, we assign the moments of inertia and mass moments. Also, in this example our solver is dynamic-explicit. Finally, you will see the deformation of the model and the desired graphs.

Workshop 7: Simulation of  LATERAL crush

In this workshop, we simulated the side impact of a piece on a soda can. Again, we use a dynamic explicit solver. To create pressure on the can, a specific displacement is used for the actuator part.

  • From this package, we learn
  • Teaching Plan (Prerequisites, Next step)
  • This Package included

You can watch demo here.

  • How to make a hole in a part?
  • How to define model behaviors to solve in dynamics explicit?
  • How to assign initial speed to parts?
  • How to assign moment of inertia to a model?
  • How to define Tie type contact?
  • How to simulate the gas pressure inside a balloon?
  • How to create a partition? What is the reason for creating a partition on the model?
  • How to use Johnson Cook's law in software?
  • How important is mesh size in the accuracy of the results?
  • How to simulate a crush test?
  • How to increase the solution speed by changing the copper scaling settings?
  • How to create and define contacts between two surfaces?
  • How to assign the initial speed to the part?
  • How to simulate a crash test?
  • How to assign a speed block?
  • How to view the graphs of the desired results?
  • How to assign moment of inertia to the model?
  • How to assign speed and mass to a rigid part?
  • How to see the graphs of the desired parameters in the results?
  • How to simulate a lateral impact?
  • How to put pressure on the model using displacement?
  • How to view the force-time diagram?
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Abaqus tutorial video
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15 reviews for Abaqus Impact Analysis

  1. Avatar of Taksheel Talukdar

    Taksheel Talukdar

    Awesome course.I gave it 5 stars because it is worth it.

  2. Avatar of Murad


    Using the impact analysis package in Abaqus was a very positive experience. This package effectively met my needs for impact force analysis and provided accurate and reliable results. I am very pleased with the analytical reports and simulation capabilities.

  3. Avatar of Khalil


    The quality and accuracy of this impact analysis package were very high, and I am completely satisfied with the results. I was able to perform accurate analyses and obtain detailed results. One notable feature of this package was its ability to integrate results with other simulation tools, which greatly aided in completing projects.

  4. Avatar of Adonia Drakos

    Adonia Drakos

    Various Impact Examples In this package, I was fully taught how to simulate an impact. How can I learn about the impact process and its theories? I also work on composite impact. Can you suggest educational material for it?

  5. Avatar of Jumadurdy


    I am very pleased with the choice of this impact analysis package. The results of the simulations were accurate and of very high quality. I was able to conduct the required analyses effectively and achieve satisfactory results. One positive aspect was the ease of use and precise reporting.

  6. Avatar of Serdar


    The impact analysis package for Abaqus met all my needs for complex and dynamic analyses. The results were very accurate and well-interpreted. Additionally, the package provided useful tools for various analyses that greatly assisted me in technical decision-making.

  7. Avatar of Begli


    This impact analysis package for Abaqus exceeded my needs remarkably well. The accuracy and quality of the results were very high, and I was able to perform detailed and precise analyses. Particularly, the ability to examine the impact of forces on various models was well-supported. However, for advanced analyses involving dynamic aspects and more detailed requirements, I am seeking additional educational resources and consulting services.

  8. Avatar of Hanym


    Using the impact analysis package in Abaqus was a highly positive experience. The results of the simulations conducted with this package were very precise and detailed, and I was able to carry out the necessary analyses effectively. A notable feature of the package was the ability to generate comprehensive and understandable analytical reports, which helped me present the results to project managers. However, for more advanced and larger-scale analyses, I am looking for tips and guidance on improving analysis methods and modeling. Do you offer consulting in this area?

  9. Avatar of pina.kim


    Hi, I need to simulate the impact of an object on a composite structure. Can I do this simulation by buy this package? or What training package do you recommend for my problem?
    thank you

  10. Avatar of mia


    Thank you for posting pictures of the different stages of this package. But some of your packages do not have any demo. My suggestion is to put a demo video for all the packages so that we can be sure of buying that package.

  11. Avatar of Gülbahar


    The impact analysis package for Abaqus generally performed very well, and I was able to conduct accurate impact analyses on various models. I am very satisfied with the accuracy and quality of the results. One positive aspect of this package was its ease of use and user-friendly interface.

  12. Avatar of Nergiz


    The impact analysis package for Abaqus was incredibly useful and efficient. Especially for dynamic analyses and complex simulations requiring high precision and detail, this package provided powerful tools. The results were precise and clear, allowing me to perform the required analyses effectively. However, for more complex analyses involving large models, I am seeking additional educational resources. Are there any additional materials or documentation that can help with understanding and performing more complex analyses?

  13. Avatar of Märek


    Using the impact analysis package for Abaqus was a very positive experience. The package provided detailed and comprehensive analyses, helping me gain a better understanding of material behavior under force impacts. One standout feature was the ability to generate detailed and clear reports, which greatly assisted me in presenting results to my team.

  14. Avatar of Gang


    I did learn the procedures and tips from the 7 workshops.

    • Avatar of Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

      Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

      Great! I am glad it could help you.

  15. Avatar of Gülten


    The impact analysis package for Abaqus exceeded my expectations. It provided precise and detailed simulations for complex analyses, and the results were incredibly accurate and reliable. After using this package, I was able to perform complex data analyses with greater confidence, and the results were very close to reality.

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