Only Workshop
Abaqus Fatigue Tutorial
This Abaqus fatigue tutorial package includes workshops that teach you the XFEM method to simulate crack growth. This tutorial package enables you to model crack propagation in any 2D and 3D dimensional model. In addition, you will learn about the Paris law, direct cyclic approach, traction-separation law, and other theories that help you to simulate a crack growth problem in this package
Analysis of Heat Transfer in Abaqus
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Thermal Heat Transfer in Abaqus
This Analysis of Heat Transfer in Abaqus package includes workshops that help you to fully learn how to simulate the temperature distribution and heat flux in solids under thermal loads. This tutorial package enables you to model thermal responses including all the modes of heat transfer, namely conduction, convection and radiation. The subjects such as using film conditions to simulate the convective heat transfer, the dissipation of the frictional heat generated, thermomechanical analysis and etc. are covered in this packageABAQUS Projects Package
If you need common industrial simulations in the fields of forming, fracture, explosion, impact, etc., this package can provide you with comprehensive training along with an instructional video file and software file. You can quickly meet your educational needs in learning the elementary and intermediate level of Abaqus software using this package.
Simulation of Fracture in Abaqus
Simulation of forming in ABAQUS
The forming in Abaqus is one of the most important manufacturing processes that can be used for producing different components. In this package, you will learn how to simulate the forming process in Abaqus and you can see the behavior of the material along this process. This package contains some examples that cover rolling, hydroforming, extrusion, ECAP, Cold forging, and drilling processes.
Notice: You can access this package 3 days after purchase.Â
Abaqus Impact Analysis
Impact in Abaqus is one of the most important mechanical tests used to check safety before construction. Due to the expansion of the use of this test in the industry, including the automotive industry, the importance of the issue has increased. In this package, by presenting 7 workshops, we try to teach you most of the capabilities of Abaqus software for this widely used topic.
Optimization in ABAQUS Analysis
This tutorial teaches how optimize topology of a model in ABAQUS. Structural optimization is an iterative process that helps to improve designs and produce parts and components that are lightweight, strong and long-lasting.
Topology optimization begins with an initial design, which is assumed to be the maximum physical extent of the component, and determines a new material distribution by changing the density and the stiffness of the elements in the initial design while continuing to satisfy the optimization constraints. In this package different workshops to implement topology optimization are used.