
I modeled a 3d dimensional shell in Abaqus/CAE. when I get into the Mesh module the color changes to yellow and pink in some parts.
What do these colors represent?


  • Rozita Dannem asked 4 years ago
  • last edited 8 months ago
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What does Mesh mean in Abaqus? (mesh meaning)

A mesh is a way of representing a larger geometric domain by dividing it into smaller discrete cells. Meshes are widely employed for various purposes, including computing solutions for partial differential equations, generating computer graphics, and analyzing geographical and cartographic data. The meshing process involves dividing the space into elements, cells, or zones, which allows for the solution of equations within each element and provides an approximation of the overall solution across the larger domain.

In Abaqus, a mesh (Abaqus mesh) refers to the discretization of a geometric domain into smaller, interconnected elements. It is the process of dividing the computational domain into a collection of finite elements or nodes (mesh meaning). Each element in the mesh represents a small region of the overall geometry and is defined by its own set of nodes, edges, and faces.

The mesh serves as the basis for performing finite element analysis (FEA) in Abaqus. It allows for the approximation of the behavior of the structure or material being analyzed by solving equations at each individual element. The mesh determines the accuracy and resolution of the analysis results, with a finer mesh generally providing more precise results but requiring increased computational resources.

In Abaqus, the mesh can be generated using various techniques (Abaqus meshing techniques), including structured or unstructured meshing. It is essential to create a well-structured and appropriate mesh that captures the geometric features and material behavior accurately to obtain reliable simulation results.

In Abaqus, the terms “mesh” and “element” are related but have distinct meanings.

Mesh: In Abaqus, a mesh refers to the collection of interconnected elements that discretize a geometric domain. It is the overall structure formed by dividing the computational domain into smaller elements. The mesh consists of nodes, elements, and their connectivity information. It represents the finite element model of the system being analyzed.

Element: An element in Abaqus is the fundamental building block of the mesh. It represents a small region or subdivision of the domain. Each element is defined by its own set of nodes, which are points in space, and it possesses its own geometry and material properties. Elements are used to approximate the behavior of the structure or material being analyzed. Different types of elements are available in Abaqus, such as linear elements, quadratic elements, shell elements, solid elements, etc., each suitable for specific types of analysis.

In the following, you will learn about types of mesh, but what about the elements? What are the different types of elements in Abaqus? In the Abaqus free course, you can learn more about the elements in lesson 3 of the Abaqus for Beginners section.

Abaqus meshing techniques (Abaqus mesh)

Abaqus offers various meshing techniques that enable the generation of meshes for finite element analysis. These Abaqus mesh techniques provide flexibility and control over the meshing process, allowing users to create meshes that accurately represent the geometry and capture important features of the analyzed system.

Free mesh

The Abaqus meshing techniques offer a wide range of options for generating meshes in Abaqus CAE. Among these techniques, the Free Mesh algorithm stands out as a highly versatile choice. Identified by a distinctive pink surface color(mesh color), this method utilizes an unstructured approach to populate a solid void with elements, eliminating the need for regular or uniform element sizes. In situations where geometries possess intricate and complex shapes, the Free Meshing technique often serves as the sole viable option for mesh generation.

Sweep mesh

The Abaqus meshing techniques encompass a variety of options for mesh generation, including the Sweep Mesh algorithm. Distinguished by its yellow surface color (mesh color), this technique offers a convenient solution for modeling parts that are extruded or revolved. Unlike Free Meshing, the Sweep Mesh algorithm ensures a more uniform and consistent mesh by projecting a 2D mesh along a specified path in 3D space. This process leads to an evenly distributed and layered mesh that spans the entire part.

Structured mesh

The Abaqus meshing techniques encompass a range of options, including the Structured Mesh algorithm, which is known for providing meshes of the highest quality. Recognizable by green surfaces (mesh color), this method is applicable only to components that can be meshed using consistently sized and shaped elements. It is specifically designed for geometries that can be partitioned into “regular” shapes like cuboids or cylinders. The main advantage of utilizing the Structured Mesh algorithm is its ability to generate meshes that are consistent and of high quality throughout the model. However, it is important to note that this technique requires the elements to be arranged in a regular pattern. Consequently, the option for structured meshing is often limited to cases where complex geometric surfaces are manually divided into regular shapes, such as rectangles or circles.

Bottom-up mesh

Apart from the previously mentioned automatic meshing techniques, Abaqus CAE includes a manual meshing option that grants users greater control over mesh quality. This particular algorithm, known as Bottom-Up Meshing, is indicated by a tan surface color (mesh color) and provides a reliable approach for generating hexahedral meshes. Unlike the automatic meshing algorithms, this incremental meshing style enables the use of elements that are not inherently linked to the geometry. As a result, the Bottom-Up Meshing technique offers enhanced versatility for modeling complex geometries compared to the automatic meshing methods. (Abaqus meshing techniques)

Briefly, default colors in Mesh module mean as below:

Green   The region can be meshed using structured methods.
Yellow   The region can be meshed using sweep methods.
Pink   The region can be meshed using the free method.
Light Tan   The region can be meshed using bottoms up methods.
Dark Orange   The region not be meshed using the default element shape.



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