Abaqus Crack Growth | Practical Examples

Original price was: € 299.0.Current price is: € 270.0.

Here in this training package, numerous methods of crack propagation modeling, such as the XFEM and H integral and so on, in concrete, steel, dams, bones, and other materials are examined through ten workshops. Each workshop includes all needed files and a step-by-step English videos and is explained from A to Z. For more details on this topic, including explanatory videos covering the necessary formulation and theory in the form of a course, you can check out our full package on Abaqus Crack Growth that we have uploaded on our website. The introduced package includes all the workshops within this package, along with several lessons in video format, to help you master the theory of crack growth simulation in Abaqus.


.inps,video files, Fortran files (if available), Flowchart file (if available), Python files (if available), Pdf files (if available)

Tutorial video duration

+190 Minutes




Package Type

Software version

Applicable to all versions


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Abaqus Crack growth simulation | Practical examples

If you are a researcher, student, university professor, or Engineer in the company in the field of fracture mechanics, this training package in simulating crack growth in Abaqus software is the best selection.
In this package, everything you need to simulate crack growth is completely available from simple to advanced. It includes modeling crack growth in Abaqus to crack propagation methods and damage to various materials. Note that crack growth in some cases requires using special features of Abaqus software.

You can see the syllabus and details of this workshop below or the drop-down menu on the right side of this product page.

Abaqus tutorial     It will guide you going from the basics up to complex simulation techniques. it is very fluid, and comprehensive and every single detail is explained.

Abaqus tutorial    Every workshop goes straight to the point, without any worthless piece of content. You will learn what you need at every stage and you will be putting it into practice from the very first day.

In a word, being complete and having support in this course is the essential value of this course.

Abaqus tutorial        Most importantly, we support you as you learn in this course. You can contact our experts to ask your questions and enjoy our modeling and simulations step-by-step support.

Read More: abaqus fracture

Workshop-1: Abaqus simulation of crack growth in the RC beam under 5 points bending

This workshop explores the simulation of crack growth in a reinforced concrete (RC) beam subjected to five-point bending in Abaqus. The concrete beam is represented as a three-dimensional solid component, while the reinforcing bars and strips are modeled as three-dimensional wire elements. The support structures and hydraulic jacks are modeled as three-dimensional rigid shell components.

The traction-separation law is employed to represent the concrete’s behavior and crack propagation. The cohesive behavior in the enriched elements is defined, with the maximum principal stress criterion used for initiating damage and an energy-based damage evolution law, following a power-law fracture criterion, applied for damage progression. Steel bars and strips are modeled using elastic-plastic material properties. A general static step is utilized, with adjustments to the convergence algorithm. The steel elements are embedded within the concrete, and surface-to-surface contact with friction is applied between all rigid bodies and the concrete beam. The XFEM method is used to track crack growth within the RC beam. Fixed boundary conditions are applied to the three bottom rigid bodies, while displacement constraints are imposed on the top two rigid bodies. A fine mesh is required for accurate crack path prediction.

Post-simulation results, including crack propagation, stress distribution, displacement, and XFEM outputs, can be accessed.

Workshop-2: Abaqus simulation of crack growth of a concrete wall under normal and transverse loading

This workshop examines the simulation of crack growth in a concrete wall subjected to both normal and transverse loads in Abaqus. The concrete wall is modeled as a three-dimensional part, and the crack plane is represented as a shell part.

For the concrete, the traction-separation law based on maximum principal stress and fracture energy is used. This material model is crucial for accurately simulating the physical behavior of crack propagation. A general static step is suitable for this type of analysis. The XFEM procedure is applied to model crack growth within the concrete wall, with the crack plane defined as the initial crack location. Fixed boundary conditions are applied at the bottom of the wall, and vertical and horizontal pressure loads are applied to the wall. The mesh size significantly influences the crack growth pattern.

As the vertical and horizontal pressure loads are applied, cracks begin to propagate, growing along the crack plane throughout the simulation.

Workshop-3: Abaqus simulation of crack growth of a bone under 3 points bending

This workshop explores the simulation of crack growth in bone subjected to three-point bending in Abaqus. The structural analysis of bones is an area of active research, with many researchers using the finite element method (FEM) to gain a deeper understanding of bone fracture mechanisms. However, most previous studies have only focused on stress or strain distribution patterns, without illustrating how fractures initiate, progress, or how fracture lines propagate. Bones can fracture in various ways; for instance, a closed fracture occurs when the bone breaks without damaging surrounding tissue or puncturing the skin, whereas a compound (or open) fracture involves damage to the skin and potential infection, making it more severe than simple fractures.

In this simulation, the bone is modeled as a two-dimensional part with elastic material properties, combined with the traction-separation law to simulate crack growth during the analysis. Static analysis and the XFEM procedure are used for this type of study.

Workshop-4: Abaqus simulation of crack growth in a concrete having wood shavings aggregates

The key mechanical properties that determine the suitability of concrete containing wood shavings as aggregates are its mechanical strength and durability. There has been a renewed interest in wood-based composite materials due to their ability to regulate indoor climates. Several studies have demonstrated that materials of plant origin, such as wood, have hygroscopic properties that help control ambient humidity. The wood shavings used in this workshop were waste products from the wood industry, specifically from spruce, a softwood species. This type of timber is widely used in construction due to its fast growth and affordability.

The simulation employed the extended finite element method (XFEM), which is based on the partition of unity concept. This method allows for the modeling of discontinuities within finite elements by enhancing the degrees of freedom with specialized displacement functions. During the analysis, cracks begin to propagate within the mixture, and some results from this simulation are presented below.

Workshop-5: Abaqus simulation of crack growth in the Koyna dam under seismic loading

In this workshop, we analyze the Koyna Dam, which experienced an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 on the Richter scale on December 11, 1967. The case demonstrates a typical application of concrete damage modeling based on traction-separation laws. The dam is modeled as a two-dimensional component with damaged material properties. Before simulating the earthquake’s dynamic effects, the dam is first subjected to gravity loading and hydrostatic pressure. In the Abaqus/Standard analysis, these loads are applied in two sequential static steps, using a distributed load with labels GRAV (for gravity load) in the first step and HP (for hydrostatic pressure) in the second step. To simulate crack growth, the XFEM procedure is used, and during the analysis, crack propagation within the dam is modeled based on tensile damage, as described in the Abaqus documentation.

  • Introduction and problem description
  • Description of modeling steps
  • Result and discussion
  • Introduction and problem description
  • Description of modeling steps
  • Result and discussion
  • Introduction and problem description
  • Description of modeling steps
  • Result and discussion
  • Introduction and problem description
  • Description of modeling steps
  • Result and discussion
  • Introduction and problem description
  • Description of modeling steps
  • Result and discussion
  • Introduction and problem description
  • Description of modeling steps
  • Result and discussion
  • Introduction and problem description
  • Description of modeling steps
  • Result and discussion
  • Introduction and problem description
  • Description of modeling steps
  • Result and discussion
  • Introduction and problem description
  • Description of modeling steps
  • Result and discussion

In this workshop, the simulation of three-dimensional crack growth in a concrete slab using the XFEM technique in Abaqus software is explored. The concrete component is modeled as a three-dimensional part with traction-separation behavior defined in its material properties. To simulate crack growth under static loading, the XFEM procedure with a planar crack is used. During the analysis, cracks begin to initiate, leading to the fracture of the concrete.

Workshop-7: Crack modeling and mechanical fracture parameter in the four-point bending test in Abaqus

In this workshop, crack modeling and mechanical fracture parameters in a four-point bending test using Abaqus are examined. The specimen has a crack edge of 3 mm in length, subjected to bending load. In this example, a two-dimensional part is used, and the material of the specimen is modeled as steel. The contour integration procedure is applied, which is appropriate for this type of analysis.

Workshop-8: Abaqus XFEM simulation of crack growth in the concrete

In this workshop, XFEM crack growth in a two-dimensional concrete slab is simulated using Abaqus. The concrete is modeled with 2D shell elements, and the Separation Traction Law, suitable for crack growth, is applied. A Dynamic Implicit step is used for the analysis.

Workshop-9: Abaqus simulation of crack growth of a pressure vessel using XFEM

In this workshop, XFEM crack growth in a pressure vessel is simulated. The pressure vessel geometry is imported into Abaqus from SolidWorks due to challenges in modeling it directly in Abaqus. The material for the pressure vessel is aluminum, and traction-separation laws (Maxps) combined with power law evolution are used to predict crack growth.

Workshop-10: Simulation of ellipsoid crack in the pressure vessel using Dload subroutine

In this workshop, you will find a step-by-step tutorial on modeling an ellipsoid crack in a pressure vessel subjected to both internal and external pressures in ABAQUS software. The internal pressure is constant, while the external pressure varies with time and location. To calculate the external pressure, a DLOAD subroutine is used, which is a function of time and position. The objective of this tutorial is to compute the J Integral at the crack tip. Additionally, for improved element performance in crack analysis, Singular elements are used at the crack tip.

What are the exact contents of each video in this package?

It should be noted that this package includes only workshops; there is no lesson at the beginning of each workshop, contrary to our other main training packages.

This video training package contains more than 300 minutes of video tutorials. Click on the chapters of each lesson in the right section of this tab to know the details of the tips and issues presented in this very comprehensive and useful  ABAQUS course package.

It would be useful to see Abaqus Documentation to understand how it would be hard to start an Abaqus simulation without any Abaqus tutorial.

Want to learn 2D and 3D crack growth modeling? get our tutorial “Simulation of Fracture in Abaqus


Users ask these questions

In social media, users asked questions regarding Abaqus Crack issues, and we answered a few of them; you can see them below.

I. Plotting stress intensity factor

Q: Hello, I heard that for arbitrary geometries, we can plot the stress intensity factor in Abaqus exactly like any other variable like stress or displacement. Is there anyone who knows how to do it?

A: Hi, Of course, you can plot the stress intensity factor in Abaqus like other variables like stress or displacement. You just need to use the History Output tool. Refer to the current package can solve your question.

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Notice: If you have any question or problem you can contact us.
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  • via download link After purchase, a download link will be sent to you a zip file included training videos, documents and software files.
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Abaqus tutorial video
Lecture notes
Abaqus workshop files
Contains all required files
Works for all Abaqus versions
Safe payment
money-back guarantee
Free 24/7 online mentoring
Access for life
updated content
Time-Saving Short But Full
Premium Corporate and Academic Clients
Prepared by High-Level Researchers
Fortran Abaqus subroutines
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