Earthquake Damping in 8-Story Structure using Bypass Viscous Damper | Seismic Damping in Masonry Cladding


In this package, the dynamic behavior of a developed bypass viscous damper is thoroughly evaluated as an advanced solution for earthquake damping. This innovative seismic damping device features a flexible, high-pressure hose that serves as an external orifice, functioning as a thermal compensator to reduce viscous heating during dynamic events. By adjusting the hose’s dimensions, the damper’s performance can be fine-tuned to provide optimal damping properties. Comprehensive simulations using CFD models in ABAQUS and structural analysis in SAP2000 validate the damper’s effectiveness. The package also offers a simplified design procedure for integrating these dampers into structures, demonstrated through an 8-story hospital case study, where the dampers significantly reduce structural demands and enhance the performance of nonstructural elements during seismic events.



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Introduction to Earthquake Damping Solutions

In recent years, many structures have collapsed due to earthquakes, highlighting the need for effective earthquake damping strategies. Seismic loads, which are dynamic forces from earthquakes, cause free vibrations in buildings. This leads to deflections in all directions and increases the risk of failure in structural members. While components like dampers can dissipate some earthquake energy, structures in seismic zones must be designed to withstand these forces according to strict standards.

However, guidance on designing structures with advanced dampers, especially novel systems like the bypass viscous damper, is limited. Extensive experiments and simulations are necessary to close this gap. By quantifying the energy dissipation of these dampers and adjusting structural stiffness, we can better simulate their performance in steel and reinforced concrete frames.

This tutorial package evaluates the dynamic behavior of a bypass viscous damper, which uses a flexible hose as an external orifice for fluid transfer. A simplified design procedure for incorporating these dampers is also proposed. To demonstrate their effectiveness in earthquake damping, we analyze an eight-story hospital with and without bypass dampers and compare it to a version with concentric braces.

Nonlinear time history analyses show that the hospital with viscous dampers experiences reduced structural demands and lower story accelerations, easing the strain on nonstructural components. Furthermore, the seismic performance of nonstructural masonry cladding is compared between the different hospital designs. This project will explore these methods in detail, with each covered in separate workshops.

By incorporating effective earthquake damping solutions, structures in seismic zones can achieve greater safety and resilience.

What is the developed bypass viscous damper?

The developed bypass viscous damper shares similarities with other viscous dampers but introduces a key innovation—a flexible, high-pressure hose serving as the external orifice. During dynamic excitations, it is well known that input energy is dissipated as heat. In traditional viscous dampers, this can cause the temperature of the damper oil to rise significantly, sometimes reaching up to 400°F. This increase in temperature highlights the importance of thermal compensation for ensuring effective earthquake damping.

In the bypass viscous damper, the external orifice acts as a thermal compensator, reducing the effects of viscous heating. Additionally, the damping coefficient and damping exponent can be adjusted by modifying various factors such as the length, diameter, and flexibility of the hose. This flexibility allows for fine-tuning the damper’s performance according to specific seismic requirements.

In this package, the dynamic behavior of the bypass viscous damper is thoroughly evaluated. By using the flexible hose as an external orifice, the fluid inside the damper is transferred from one side of the inner piston to the other. This design allows for precise adjustments to the viscosity coefficient through changes in the hose’s geometric dimensions. Moreover, the external orifice not only enhances control over damping characteristics but also serves as a thermal compensator, mitigating the heat generated during intense seismic activity.

This innovation in earthquake damping technology offers improved control over both thermal and dynamic behavior, ensuring better performance in structures exposed to seismic loads.

Investigating Seismic Damping in Structures with Bypass Viscous Dampers | CFD & Structural models

To evaluate the performance of the proposed bypass viscous damper, both CFD simulations using ABAQUS and experimental tests are employed. Two numerical methods are used: CFD in ABAQUS and a simplified Maxwell model in SAP 2000. These approaches help assess the effectiveness of the damper in providing seismic damping for structures. Based on experimental results, the CFD model, a numerical formula, and the simplified Maxwell model are developed and assessed, verifying the accuracy of the computational and numerical simulations.

In this package, we present a simplified design procedure for incorporating bypass viscous dampers into structures. This procedure is applied to an eight-story hospital, which is analyzed with bypass viscous dampers and compared to a version designed with concentric braces and another without dampers. Nonlinear time history analyses show that the hospital with bypass dampers experiences reduced structural inelastic demands and fewer story accelerations. This translates into lower demands on nonstructural elements, contributing to better seismic performance.

Additionally, the seismic behavior of nonstructural masonry cladding is compared in hospital structures both with and without dampers. The findings demonstrate the significant role that bypass viscous dampers play in enhancing seismic damping and improving the overall resilience of structures during earthquakes.

Method 1: CFD and Finite volume method (FVM) to Analyze a Seismic Damping System with Bypass Viscous Dampers

In this approach, CFD models are utilized to simulate the behavior of the bypass viscous damper, a critical component in a seismic damping system. The simulation focuses on the fluid parts of the damper using ABAQUS, while the solid components like the piston, cylinder, and hose walls are accounted for through a no-slip boundary condition at the fluid-solid interface. This ensures the effect of these solid parts on turbulent fluid flow is properly considered.

Various input velocities are applied to the model, and the pressure difference between the front and back of the piston is used to calculate the corresponding damper force. From this, the force-velocity curve of the damper can be estimated, as verified against experimental results. This comparison is crucial for validating the accuracy of the CFD model.

This package includes a simplified design procedure that outlines a step-by-step method for incorporating viscous dampers into buildings. By following this method, designers can effectively implement a seismic damping system that enhances the structure’s ability to dissipate seismic energy, improving its resilience during earthquakes.

Method 2: Simulation of the developed bypass viscous damper in structural design

In this section, a simplified step-by-step design procedure is introduced for implementing a seismic damping system using viscous dampers in buildings. To achieve the desired target damping ratio, the total required damping coefficient for the linear viscous dampers is estimated. The designer must then distribute this total damping across the different stories of the structure.

Since the performance of viscous dampers depends on velocity, selecting a damper for each story is based on its velocity. The upper stories, which experience more drift, require careful placement of the dampers. Typically, the best locations for dampers are the stories with the highest inter-story velocity, which correlates with the highest inter-story drift.

As the structure undergoes period elongation due to inelastic behavior, the stories with significant drift are expected to experience increased velocity. Therefore, the highest damping coefficient should be applied to stories with the most inter-story drift. By analyzing the first mode of the structural frame during a seismic event, the inter-story drift pattern can be predicted. Using this information, the total damping coefficient is calculated with a proposed equation and distributed to each story based on its inter-story drift relative to the total drift.

This process will be explained in further detail in the following section, providing designers with the tools to optimize their seismic damping system for enhanced building performance during earthquakes.

Method 3: The effect of the developed bypass viscous damper on structural behavior and material

The structure of a hospital as a case study is considered to be designed with and without this viscous damper for evaluating the performance of this viscous damper in the specified structure; therefore, two same hospital structures are modeled with and without this viscous damper by using SAP2000, which details this method is described in this package. After analyzing these structures, one of the nonstructural masonry claddings at the 8th story, which is located in the same place in the two structures, is considered to evaluate the performance of the viscous damper on nonstructural masonry claddings; therefore, these walls are modeled and analyzed based on the exported load of SAP models in ABAQUS/Standard.

Workshop 1: Simulation of the performance of the bypass viscous damper by FVM

In this workshop, first, the simulation of the bypass viscous damper using the CDF model is presented. Using this model, an equation is presented that can represent the performance of the bypass viscous damper.

Workshop 2:  Representing the performance of the bypass viscous damper in the structure

In this Workshop, a step-by-step simplified design procedure is proposed for designing buildings with viscous dampers. In order to attain a desired target damping ratio, the required total damping coefficient of linear viscous dampers can be estimated. An approach to specifying the optimal place for the bypass viscous damper is presented to the structural engineer and designer.

Workshop 3: Reducing Structural Damage in Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings with Bypass Viscous Dampers

In this workshop, we evaluate and compare the structural performance of a hospital with and without the developed bypass viscous damper. To achieve this, two similar hospital structures are simulated using SAP2000, one equipped with the damper and the other without. This detailed simulation, described in this package, focuses on demonstrating how the bypass viscous damper impacts the overall behavior of the structure during seismic events.

After analyzing the two structures, special attention is given to the nonstructural masonry cladding located on the 8th story of each building. This cladding, positioned in the same location in both designs, is analyzed to assess the damper’s effect on nonstructural elements. The simulation of the masonry claddings is carried out using ABAQUS, providing valuable insights into how viscous dampers contribute to reducing damage in nonstructural components.

This analysis is critical for improving the seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings, as it shows how incorporating bypass viscous dampers can significantly reduce structural and nonstructural damage during earthquakes, enhancing building resilience.

  • What is the developed bypass viscous damper? What is the effect of bypass viscous damper on the structural behavior?
  • How can the behavior of the bypass viscous damper be simulated?
  • How can the behavior of the bypass viscous damper using FVM and SAP2000 be simulated?
  • What is the effect of the developed bypass viscous damper on the structural and non-structural elements in a building?
  • How much of the damage can be reduced in a structure with the bypass viscous damper?
  • How can the bypass viscous damper affect the structural behavior?
  • How can the effect of bypass viscous damper in the steel frame or reinforced concrete frame be simulated?
  • How much the drift, deflection, and stress ratio in the structure with bypass viscous damper are changed?
  • What is the effect of the bypass viscous damper on the damage of structure and nonstructural elements, like walls?
  • How can the effect of bypass viscous damper on the damage of structure and nonstructural elements, like walls, be simulated and analyzed?
  • How much the damaged surface in the structure is reduced by using the bypass viscous damper?
  • How much of the damaged walls are reduced by using the bypass viscous damper?
  • Problem Description
  • Simulation using CFD model
  • Formulation explanation
  • Problem Description
  • Simulation Description step by step
  • Specifying the optimum place for installation of the bypass viscous damper
  • Structural analysis and comparing the performance of the structure with and without bypass viscous damper
  • Problem Description
  • Simulation of the masonry wall using FEM for structures without viscous damper
  • Simulation of the masonry wall using FEM for structures with bypass viscous damper
  • The damage comparison of the wall in structures with and without viscous damper
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