3D continuum Abaqus HASHIN progressive Damage for composite materials (VUMAT Subroutine)

(20 customer reviews)


The Hashin failure criteria is a set of failure criteria developed specifically for composite materials. It predicts different failure modes in composites based on the stresses experienced by their constituents (fiber and matrix). The criteria are widely used in engineering and computational models to assess composite material performance under mechanical loading. The criteria, while highly efficient and widely used, pose challenges when implemented in numerical simulations. Abaqus has emerged as a powerful tool to address these challenges, enabling the prediction of damage initiation and its progression (via stiffness reduction) based on the Hashin criteria. However, a key limitation of Abaqus is its applicability being restricted to 2D plane stress elements. To overcome this limitation, we developed a VUMAT subroutine in this project. This custom subroutine extends the capabilities of Abaqus, allowing for the simulation of damage initiation and propagation in 3D problems in accordance with the Hashin criteria. It should be mentioned that this subroutine includes gradual progressive damage based on the energy method. This complex subroutine could be used for static and dynamic problems.

A notable point is that in one of our other packages, we also provide training on using Abaqus subroutines to analyze the Hashin criterion. However, in that package, damage occurs instantaneously. In the current package, we have modeled the progressive Damage, which is more complex but could be more beneficial for solving your specific problems.







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60 Minutes




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3D continuum Composite Damage | Progressive hashin damage + Composite Fatigue Subroutine + unidirectional composite fatigue VUMAT tutorial + Woven composite damage + UMAT Hashin 3d + unidirectional composite damage tutorial + Puck damage criterion | Puck failure criterion
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Three-dimensional damage in composite materials is one of the most widely used cases in today’s industry. However, there is no damage initiation for Three-dimensional composite materials in ABAQUS software. Therefore, coding is required to simulate the damage in these materials, which we have discussed in this project.

There are different criteria for damage initiation as well as how to reduce the mechanical properties for composite materials. Three-dimensional HASHIN damage, which involves detecting damage to fibers, matrix, and delamination, is very common among others. It should be mentioned that progressive damage can be done by reducing the properties gradually with different energy methods or equations, according to the next figure.

hashin Damage

In this package, our focus is on the implementation of progressive damage, in contrast to our other package, which considers instantaneous damage, based on the Hashin criterion in Abaqus. However, to familiarize you with the foundation of this criterion and others, we first discuss the formulation theories for various composite failure criteria. This will provide you with a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts. Next, we move on to the Abaqus model, covering topics such as modeling 3D composites in Abaqus, defining damage criteria for composites within the software, and related concepts. Additionally, workshops are included to guide you in practically defining these models and even writing subroutines. The following is a more detailed explanation of the content of this package.

An overview of different damage initiation and progressive damage theories for composite materials

In general, each damage criterion is intended to predict two different aspects in the process of analyzing the behavior of a composite material.

The first criterion is the initiation of damage. The damage initiation term refers to the point where, depending on the stress or strain state of the material, the composite begins to experience damage. The second criterion is the propagation of damage, which occurs after the initiation of damage and represents the reduction in load-bearing stiffness or other physical characteristics of the material due to the creation of damage. This can happen either instantaneously or gradually. Therefore, an Abaqus model must be capable of predicting both the initiation and propagation of damage for composite analysis. Considering the importance of this topic, we have provided different criteria for damage initiation and propagation in composites, along with the related theory and formulations in this package. This will help you master the theory behind the subject, in addition to the Abaqus modeling discussion, which can be highly beneficial.

How to model 3D composite materials in ABAQUS?

One of the main aspects of our work in this project is modeling composites in Abaqus in a 3D space. Given the importance of this topic, we have provided a detailed discussion on it in this package. After watching the video, you will be able to model composite samples in Abaqus without any particular challenges. However, this is just the beginning. The next challenge that arises in this field is defining damage criteria, such as the Hashin criterion, which we address in the following.

What are the different different types of damage initiation criteria for composite materials in ABAQUS?

As mentioned at the beginning, Abaqus provides the ability to use certain failure criteria, such as the Hashin criterion, through its material library by default. While damage initiation based on this material model is only applicable to 2D elements, it’s helpful to review these capabilities to become more familiar with Abaqus’s features. With this in mind, we have provided a detailed discussion on the topic in the educational video. This will help you understand how to apply the default damage initiation criteria within Abaqus for a given problem.

An overview of sudden and gradual degradation of mechanical properties for composite materials in ABAQUS

 A topic that you may find useful and which could be a common challenge for many is damage propagation models. Different theories generally use various models for instantaneous and progressive failure analysis. However, you might wonder: when does a material experience an instantaneous stiffness reduction, and when does it experience a gradual stiffness reduction? What are the common patterns of gradual stiffness reduction after damage initiation? And other related questions. Considering these points, we have provided a detailed discussion in the video on how to incorporate such models into Abaqus, with a focus on composite behavior due to damage initiation.

  • What do we learn from this package?
  • Teaching plan and Prerequisites and Next steps
  • Package specification

You can watch demo here.

  • How to model 3d composite materials in ABAQUS?
  • What are the different types of damage initiation criteria for composite materials in ABAQUS?
  • What is the difference between sudden and gradual degradation of mechanical properties for composite materials in ABAQUS?
  • Introduction to different damage initiation and progressive damage theories and equations for composite materials.
  • Problem Description
  • Description of HASHIN Theory
  • How to model 3d composite plate and bullet
  • Writing the subroutine step by step
  • Discussing about the results
  • Problem Description
  • How to model 3D composite plate
  • What are the settings to use VUMAT subroutine in Static/Quasi-Static analysis
  • Discussing about the results

Workshops | VUMAT Subroutine for Implementing the Hashin Failure Criterion in Abaqus

The main purpose of including the workshops in this training is, first, to show you how we modeled an example in Abaqus, and then to proceed with writing the subroutine for implementing the damage criterion based on the Hashin theory, incorporating the reduction of physical properties after damage initiation. However, you may wonder if this code can be used for both dynamic and static problems. The answer is yes. To demonstrate this, we solved two different workshops.

Workshop 1 | 3D HASHIN damage initiation and gradual progressive damage in impact analysis

In the first workshop, we focused on solving a dynamic problem. This workshop begins with a discussion on how to model the problem in 3D in Abaqus using the Hashin theory. Then, we explain how to write the VUMAT subroutine code based on the equations provided for the Hashin criterion. Afterward, we solve the problem and discuss and conclude the results. After completing this, you will be able to use the VUMAT code for your dynamic problems and model them in Abaqus using the Hashin theory.

Workshop 2 | Damage initiation and gradual progressive damage in the tensile test of a plate with a hole

In the second example, our main objective was to demonstrate how to modify the Abaqus model and use the VUMAT subroutine to predict the Hashin damage criterion in both quasi-static and static problems. To achieve this, we examined a tensile sample. To make the damage pattern more complex and interesting, we introduced a hole into the sample. After reviewing the Hashin theory for this problem, developing the subroutine, and modeling in Abaqus, we extracted and analyzed the results. This workshop will enable you to apply the Hashin criterion to your own static and quasi-static problems using the Abaqus subroutine.

Who will benefit from this package?

This package fully discusses the most widely used criteria in identifying damage initiation as well as the progressive damage in HASHIN damage initiation criterion and gradual progressive damage based on energy method (3D continuum Hashin Damage).

Whether you are a researcher, academic, or working in industry, you can use the developed UMAT subroutine for static and dynamic problems, such as simple tension or impact! This subroutine detects different modes of failure and gets you accurate results for academic and industrial projects. In this package, you will learn how to write such a complex subroutine and use it in different types of simulations.

You can learn more about the Hashin Failure Criteria, including what the criterion is, its origins, the differences between 2D and 3D Hashin, and more in our blog: “What is Hashin Failure Criteria? | Hashin Damage in Abaqus“. 

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Abaqus tutorial video
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Abaqus workshop files
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Fortran Abaqus subroutines
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20 reviews for 3D continuum Abaqus HASHIN progressive Damage for composite materials (VUMAT Subroutine)

  1. Avatar of Eymen Kucuk

    Eymen Kucuk

    Thanks. It was a very nice experience in using the VUMAT subroutine to use damage initiation based on Hashin criterion and progressive damage in the 3D continuum element of composite structures. It works well. I have received all software files and the subroutine. When the video training will be ready?

    • Avatar of Experts of CAE Assistant Group

      Experts of CAE Assistant Group

      You can find it on your dashboard soon(About one week later)

      • Avatar of Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

        Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

        It is available

  2. Avatar of Luc Janssens

    Luc Janssens

    It works well and I have used that for my project. I need the flowchart of the subroutine. Could you give the flowchart of this subroutine?

  3. Avatar of ava.gray


    Thanks! That was helpful for my project. How can I have more examples and data to practice with this subroutine? Which packages do you recommend me?

  4. Avatar of heitor.larson


    What about other damage criteria? Do you have any packages for them as well?

  5. Avatar of heitor.larson


    What about other damage criteria? Do you have any packages for them as well? I would be grateful if you could introduce me as soon as possible

  6. Avatar of heitor.larson


    Nowadays many things are made of composites and industries should know how to work with FEM software. Does this package is good enough for industries? I would be grateful if you could introduce me as soon as possible.

  7. Avatar of Tullio.Ricci


    This is a complex subroutine and not everyone can work with it. You really have great experts. I suggest you to give some real examples in the next packages.

  8. Avatar of valrie.dufort


    According to the description, this package almost covers any necessary information. Don’t you have any free version of this package? Does this package is good enough for industries?

  9. Avatar of rerydele


    This was useful and I enjoyed it. But I expected more workshops and some practical examples form real world.

  10. Avatar of ximena


    According to the description, this package almost covers any necessary information. Don’t you have any free version of this package?

  11. Avatar of Søren


    After evaluating several different methods, this package based on the Hashin model was the best option for my needs. The easy parameterization and comprehensive documentation made it very simple to use. I am highly satisfied with its accurate and reliable results. Will I have access to future updates of this sortence?

    • Avatar of Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

      Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

      Yes. You can access the new updates freely.

    • Avatar of Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

      Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

      Sure. Check you dashboard

  12. Avatar of Asger


    The VUMAT subroutine of this package had the capability to be easily executed in Abaqus. The clear and comprehensive instructions resolved any challenges in the implementation. Compared to the previous methods I had tried, this package provided better results.

  13. Avatar of Sigrid


    For modeling the fatigue behavior of composites, this package was an excellent and reliable option. The simulation results showed excellent correlation with the experimental data. The parameterization process was quick and efficient, and it can be easily used in industrial projects. Can I reach out to you for technical support if needed?

  14. Avatar of Ingrid


    The Hashin model employed in this package is very effective for predicting fiber and matrix failure in composite structures. The ease of implementation in Abaqus and the high accuracy of the outputs have led to my complete satisfaction with this product.

  15. Avatar of Viggo


    This package was excellent for modeling the progressive damage of composites in Abaqus. The VUMAT subroutine was easily implemented in my modeling, and it provided me with very accurate and realistic results. I recommend this package to all composite design engineers.

  16. Avatar of Niels


    For modeling the progressive damage of composites in aircraft design projects, this package was very useful. The advanced capabilities and complete compatibility with Abaqus ensured that the simulation results correlated well with experimental tests.

  17. Avatar of Bodil


    Progressive damage of composites has always been a major challenge in industrial design. But this package, with its advanced models, has effectively addressed this challenge. I am very satisfied with the accurate and reliable results from it in my aerospace engineering projects.

  18. Avatar of Thora


    This package, with the progressive damage theory it provides, helped me achieve very realistic results in the design of composite components for aerospace engines. The comprehensive technical documentation and the supportive manufacturer made its usage very straightforward.

  19. Avatar of Bjorn


    Using this VUMAT subroutine greatly facilitated my work in predicting the progressive damage behavior of composites. The comprehensive technical documentation and prompt vendor support answered all my questions satisfactorily. Overall, I am very pleased with this package. Is there a possibility of receiving technical support if needed?

  20. Avatar of Astrid


    This package gave me the ability to accurately predict the failure mechanisms in composite parts. The VUMAT subroutine had easy implementation capability and high flexibility. I am very satisfied with using this package for the turbine blade design project.

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