Viscoplasticity Abaqus Simulation Using UMAT Subroutine | Perzyna Viscoplastic Model

Original price was: € 270.0.Current price is: € 243.0.

Viscoplasticity describes the rate-dependent inelastic behavior of materials, where deformation depends on both stress magnitude and application speed. This concept is crucial in many engineering applications, such as designing structures under dynamic loads, modeling soil behavior during earthquakes, and developing materials with specific mechanical properties. Viscoplasticity Abaqus simulation, especially using Abaqus with UMAT subroutines, are vital for understanding, predicting, and optimizing the behavior of viscoplastic materials. This tutorial focuses on implementing the Perzyna viscoplasticity model in Abaqus. The Perzyna viscoplastic model, a strain rate-dependent viscoplasticity model, relates stress to strain through specific constitutive relations. This involves defining plastic strain rate based on stress state, internal variables, and relaxation time. The tutorial provides general UMAT codes for viscoplastic analysis, yielding results like stress fields essential for various engineering applications. These simulations help in predicting permanent deformations, assessing structural failure points, and analyzing stability under different loads, benefiting fields such as aerospace, automotive, civil engineering, and energy.

0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc

Elastomeric Foam Simulation Using Abaqus Subroutines

Original price was: € 270.0.Current price is: € 243.0.
This study focuses on modeling the mechanical behavior of open-cell, isotropic elastomeric foams. It is essential for applications in materials science and engineering. The project offers insights into designing customized elastomeric foam materials tailored for impact protection in automotive, sports equipment, and aerospace industries. Numerical simulations, using software like Abaqus, enable the prediction of complex behaviors such as hyperelasticity and viscoelasticity under various loading conditions. This finite element analysis of elastomers includes theoretical formulations for hyperelastic constitutive models based on logarithmic strain invariants, crucial for accurately describing large deformations. Practical benefits include the implementation of user-material subroutines in Abaqus, facilitating future extensions to incorporate strain-rate sensitivity, and microstructural defects analysis. This comprehensive approach equips learners with theoretical knowledge and practical tools to advance elastomeric foam simulation. Moreover, it enhances their capability to innovate and optimize materials for diverse applications.
0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc

Foam simulation in Abaqus

Foam is a type of expanded plastic and rubber produced by forcing gas bubbles into a polymer material. It is a permeating, lightweight material. Along with corrugated packaging, foam fabric can protect goods during transportation. Foams, a novel family of ultra-light materials, have the capacity to undergo significant deformation at practically constant plateau stress, which allows them to absorb a significant amount of kinetic energy. In this tutorial package, you will learn how to analyze sandwich panels with an interior layer of foam, Foam-Filled Aluminum Tubes subjected to compressive loads, simulation of a reinforced foamed concrete beam, concrete-titanium foam panel explosion, etc. All of these cool practical examples with their complete tutorial videos are in this package which you can read their description below.