Additive manufacturing simulation with Abaqus subroutine & python | Inherent Strain Method

(5 customer reviews)


3D printing is a technique for creating three-dimensional objects by layering materials such as plastic or metal based on a digital design. 3D printing simulation involves the use of software to predict and enhance the printing process, resulting in more efficient and precise production. This training package is based on the use of subroutines and Python scripting. Following an introduction to the 3D printing process, this method with all its details is explained. Two workshops are then conducted for this method. The first workshop covers 3D printing simulation of a gear with a uniform cross-section, while the second workshop covers a shaft with a non-uniform cross-section.



.inps,video files, Fortran files (if available), Flowchart file (if available), Python files (if available), Pdf files (if available)

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Frequently Bought Together

3D printing python | 3D printing FEM + USDFLD AND VUSDFLD SUBROUTINES in ABAQUS + Abaqus python | + 3D printing or additive manufacturing simulation in ABAQUS-Front + Abaqus AM modeler
Price for all: Original price was: € 1495.0.Current price is: € 1121.2. Save  373.8

What is Additive manufacturing or 3D printing?

The process of building a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or digital 3D model is known as additive manufacturing or 3D printing. In an additive process, an object is made by adding layers of material one after another until the product is made. This process can be done via several methods in which material is joined, deposited, and solidified under computer control. The materials being added together could be made of plastics, liquids or powder grains being fused, etc. 3D printing python Abaqus modelling training package is a unique product that can help you to simulate 3D printing FEM fast and correctly.

Did you know we have 3D printing for composite materials as well?! You can learn all about it in our course: “3D Printing Composites with Continuous fiber Reinforced Structures: Design, Fabrication, and Applications“. The syllabus of this course.

Additive Manufacturing or 3D Printing Python ABAQUS simulation

Why is Abaqus needed to model 3D printing? We do different simulations for the same reasons. examining the model’s deflection, the temperature and thermal conditions, the presence of any residual stress, etc. To prevent wasting money, it is also a good idea to check that the printer’s settings match the requirements of our model before printing. conditions such as temperature and material characteristics, etc.

This package will teach you to do this based on the use of subroutines and Python scripting and was done by a team with the goal of coding all the steps of 3D printing. 3D printing Python Abaqus simulation tutorial is one of the best training packages on the web about 3D printing FEM.

We are Up to date!! We also have a course for 4D printing for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites!!

Using Scripting and Subroutines

This method involves three coding files: a Python script and two subroutines, USDFLD and DISP.

The Python program handles all necessary tasks, including creating material attributes, sections, and interactions in the Abaqus GUI. Users can execute the script, provide inputs, and wait for the simulation to complete. To build the model, users must use CAD software or Abaqus, layer it, and save individual layers as “igs” files. The directory path of these files should be an input when running the script.

The USDFLD subroutine calculates the elasticity properties of 3D printed objects, which are not constant and change throughout the process. According to the following references, the formulas used in this lesson to determine elasticity: “Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing, Fundamentals of
“, “Curl Distortion Analysis During
Photopolymerisation of Stereolithography Using Dynamic Finite Element

The equations and assumptions used to calculate the elasticity are explained in the “3D printing Python” tutorial video. Users can apply their own equations and assumptions if desired.

The DISP subroutine computes the temperature variations that occur during the process using calculations based on user presumptions. Users can also refer to other sources to apply their own calculations.

Each component utilizes a unique variation of the Python code. The first session involves replicating the 3D printing of a gear using a standardized, model-specific version of the Python programming language. To build the model, users only need to create one layer of the model in CAD software or Abaqus and save it as an “igs” file. When executing the code, users must enter the file’s directory path and a few other parameters before waiting for the task to complete.

Note: 3D printing can be used to produce complex components quickly and cost-effectively, allowing for more customization and reduced lead times, right? SO, it can be a great help in Smart manufacturing! But what is smart manufacturing anyway? Do not worry because we have a complete course of it: “Smart Manufacturing Course.”

Workshop 1: 3D printing Abaqus simulation of Gear with DISP, USDFLD and Python scripting (Same cross-section)

This workshop begins by explaining the model’s geometry. The difference between continuous and discontinuous layers is then discussed, which is an important issue when using the Python script for these types of examples. Material properties are explained in detail, along with their equations, and are defined using the USDFLD subroutine. Boundary conditions are then explained, followed by a discussion of temperature changes and their relationships, which are applied to the model using the DISP subroutine. Finally, the Python code and subroutines are described, and the simulation is performed. The results are then discussed.

Note: Sometimes there is a need for optimization in 3D printing. You are asking why and how?? We have a complete course for this: “Advanced Space–Time Topology Optimization in Multi-Axis Additive Manufacturing.

Workshop 2:  3D printing Abaqus simulation of shaft with DISP, USDFLD and Python scripting (non-uniform section)

Similar to the previous workshop, this workshop begins by explaining the model’s geometry. The model layering is then presented, and all other stages are the same as the previous workshop. The only differences are in the model’s geometry, Python code, and layers, as this model has a non-uniform cross-section.

Enroll for this advanced course to complete you education in Additive manufacturing:

Machine Learning for Predicting Fatigue Properties in Additive Manufacturing Course

We can also use Abaqus AM Modeler plug-in to simulate additive manufacturing or 3d printing FEM. If you are interested in having both methods or even want to learn more about 3D printing itself, I recommend going to this page: “Additive Manufacturing or 3D Printing Abaqus simulation”.

Other packages in 3D printing in Abaqus:

  • Inherent strain method in Metal Additive Manufacturing simulation
  • FDM Simulation in Abaqus | Simulating 3D Printing with Fused Deposition Modeling
  • LPBF Printing Simulation in Abaqus | 3D Printing with Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process (LPBF) Method

The CAE Assistant is committed to addressing all your CAE needs, and your feedback greatly assists us in achieving this goal. If you have any questions or encounter complications, please feel free to share it with us through our social media accounts including WhatsApp.

  • What is Additive manufacturing?
  • Additive manufacturing methods
  • Capabilities of Additive manufacturing
  • Different methods to simulate additive manufacturing
  • Problem Description
  • Formulation explanation
  • DISP flowchart explaining
  • USDFLD flowchart explaining
  • Python scripting flowchart explaining
  • Writing DISP subroutine step by step
  • Writing USDFLD subroutine step by step
  • Writing Python scripting step by step
  • How to run scripting with subroutines
  • Discussion about results
  • Problem Description
  • edition for DISP flowchart explaining
  • edition for USDFLD flowchart explaining
  • Edition for Python scripting flowchart explaining
  • edition for Writing DISP subroutine step by step
  • edition for Writing USDFLD subroutine step by step
  • edition for Writing Python scripting step by step
  • Discussion about results and comparison with previous workshop
  • Introduction to metal additive manufacturing
  • Different numerical modeling of the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) process
  • Inherent strain method (theory)
  • Micro-scale modeling (thermal and mechanical simulation)
  • A workshop is carried out for the multi-path simulation to extract the inherent strain values
  • Problem description
  • Formulation explanation
  • Material properties definition
  • Writing DFLUX, USDFLD subroutines step by step in the thermal simulation
  • Writing Python scripting step by step for the element activation in the mechanical analysis
  • Results and discussion
  • Macro-scale modeling (quasi-static simulation)
  • Agglomeration approach
  • A workshop is carried out for the simulation of a double-cantilever beam to predict the residual stresses and distortion
  • Problem description
  • Material properties definition
  • Method of applying inherent strain values into the macro-scale model
  • Writing Python scripting step by step for the element activation
  • Results and discussion

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a groundbreaking technology that fabricates components layer by layer, revolutionizing the design and production of products. This tutorial package focuses on the Inherent Strain (IS) method, an efficient numerical approach for simulating the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) process used in metal additive manufacturing. Performing detailed thermo-mechanical simulations of the LPBF process for complex geometries requires a significant number of time steps to estimate residual stresses and distortions, making it computationally expensive. Moreover, due to the steep thermal gradients near the heat source, a very fine mesh is required to accurately predict stresses and distortions in the heat-affected zone. Conducting coupled thermo-mechanical analyses for multiple laser scans on macro-scale models using fine meshes would result in prohibitively high computational costs.

In addition, the large number of degrees of freedom involved in the mechanical analysis increases the computational complexity and processing time. Detailed thermo-mechanical simulations for industrial-scale components are nearly impossible, as they would require enormous memory—potentially hundreds of terabytes—and years to compute. To address these computational challenges arising from the tiny laser spot size and the thousands of micron-thin layers in LPBF, the Inherent Strain Method has emerged as a widely adopted approach in both research and commercial software.

This tutorial introduces the Inherent Strain Method for additive manufacturing, covering both theoretical and practical aspects within Abaqus. It explains an agglomeration approach that transfers equivalent inherent strains between micro-scale and macro-scale models. The implementation process is broken down step by step, with hands-on workshops demonstrating micro-scale and macro-scale modeling for various geometries. By the end of this training, users will gain the ability to write subroutine codes, use Python scripting, and exert greater control over LPBF process simulations.

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All packages include lifelong support, 24/7 support, and updates will always be sent to you when the package is updated with a one-time purchase. Get more information in terms and conditions of the CAE Assistant.

Notice: If you have any question or problem you can contact us.
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  • Online payment: with MasterCard, VisaCard and etc.
  • Offline payment: In this payment method, you should pay via PayPal and send your payment receipt as an attached file in the offline payment form.
  • via download link After purchase, a download link will be sent to you a zip file included training videos, documents and software files.
  • Send us your machine ID

To access tutorial video run the .exe file on your personal pc and send the generated code to and wait for your personal code, which is usable only for that pc, up to 24 hours from CAE Assistant support.

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Abaqus tutorial video
Lecture notes
Abaqus workshop files
Contains all required files
Works for all Abaqus versions
Safe payment
money-back guarantee
Free 24/7 online mentoring
Access for life
updated content
Time-Saving Short But Full
Premium Corporate and Academic Clients
Prepared by High-Level Researchers
Fortran Abaqus subroutines
All payment method

5 reviews for Additive manufacturing simulation with Abaqus subroutine & python | Inherent Strain Method

  1. Avatar of emre


    I recommend this to anyone looking for a organized and professional tutorial videos.

  2. Avatar of furk.simon


    This course give to you a chance to create objects from reality or just using your imagination. Enjoy this course, guys.

  3. Avatar of henzo


    Great instructor accurate and to the point explanations. Each project seem to be professionally prepared, definitely not a let’s see how it goes kind of tutorials. Highly recommended!

  4. Avatar of eian.hilen


    I started this course with absolutely no experience in 3D printing or 3D design. It was a good training for me, But do you have a tutorial that is suitable for beginners?

  5. Avatar of max.efa


    Thank you I understand all the topics due to this course, but the information could have been much better packaged and organized.

    • Avatar of Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

      Experts Of CAE Assistant Group

      Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your understanding of the topics covered in the course. We take your comment about the packaging and organization of the information seriously, and we apologize if it fell short of your expectations. We strive to continuously improve our course materials, and your input will help us in that process. If you have any specific suggestions or areas where you feel we can enhance the packaging and organization, we would be grateful to hear them. Thank you again for your feedback, and we’re glad that you found value in the course content.

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