Using Viscoelastic and Path-Dependent Models for Analyzing the Curing Process in Fiber-Reinforced Composites With Abaqus subroutines

Fiber-reinforced composites, widely used across various industries, consist of reinforcing fibers embedded in a matrix. During the curing process, this mixture transforms into a stable material. Curing is a critical step to ensure the durability and strength of the final product. In one of our intermediate packages, we used Abaqus to analyze the curing process in composites with linear elastic models. While these models are straightforward and user-friendly, their accuracy is limited because composites exhibit viscoelastic behavior during curing, rather than elastic behavior. To address this limitation, the current package introduces two more advanced and accurate models for analyzing residual stresses in composites: the viscoelastic model and the path-dependent model. These models offer significantly greater accuracy compared to linear elastic ones but involve added complexity. To simplify this complexity for users, the package begins with a comprehensive overview of the underlying theories and formulations for the viscoelastic and path-dependent models. It then provides detailed guidance on implementing these models using Abaqus subroutines. Finally, workshops are included to demonstrate how the viscoelastic model significantly improves the prediction of residual stresses in composites compared to the elastic models featured in our intermediate package.

Hygrothermal effects on composite materials | Degradation in Fiber Reinforced Composites Abaqus Simulation: Python & Subroutines


In this tutorial, we explore the hygrothermal degradation composites using ABAQUS, a powerful tool for parallel finite element analysis. Industries like aerospace, marine, and automotive heavily rely on these composites due to their high strength-to-weight ratio and versatility. However, long-term exposure to moisture and temperature can degrade their mechanical properties, making an analysis of hygrothermal effects on composite materials essential for ensuring durability.

ABAQUS allows precise modeling of these environmental conditions through Python scripts and Fortran subroutines. This combination enables efficient simulations across multiple processors, offering insights into key elastic properties, such as Young’s modulus and shear modulus, under varying conditions. By leveraging the ABAQUS Python Scripting Micro Modeling (APSMM) algorithm and custom subroutines, engineers can predict the long-term performance of fiber-reinforced composites, optimizing design and enhancing material performance in critical sectors like aerospace and marine.

In the present Abaqus tutorial for parallel finite element analysis, we have presented the software skills that a person needs when he wants to perform a parallel finite element analysis such as a micro-macro scale analysis. The Abaqus tutorial for parallel finite element analysis covers all you need to write a python scripting code for noGUI environment and also Fortran code for the subroutine environment of Abaqus to execute a parallel finite element analysis via Abaqus software. You can download the syllabus of this package here.

Composite Fatigue Simulation with VUMAT Subroutine in ABAQUS

This training package consists of four chapters that help engineers and researchers in the industry to understand the fundamental concepts and necessary tools for simulating composite fatigue using VUMAT subroutine in ABAQUS. The first chapter provides an overview of the fatigue behavior of composite materials, including the factors contributing to fatigue failure. The second chapter explores the failure mechanisms of composite materials and the types of damage that can occur. The third chapter discusses the effects of fatigue on composite materials, including how it affects the material's properties and performance. Finally, the fourth chapter focuses on using the VUMAT subroutine in ABAQUS for composite fatigue analysis, including the material models and criteria used to simulate the behavior of composite materials under various loading conditions. By mastering the concepts and tools presented in this package, engineers can develop more durable and reliable composite structures that can withstand cyclic loading over extended periods of time.

Composite simulation for experts-Part-2

Pay attention to the syllabus and availability file details. some of the packages are fully available and some of them are partially available. If this is partially available it takes at least two months to be completely available.

If you are a researcher, student, university professor, or  Engineer in the company in the field of composite materials, this training package in simulating these materials in Abaqus software is the best selection. This training package is the second part of the composite for expert package and is focusing on the Simulation of woven composite damage in Abaqus, Composite Fatigue Simulation, Analysis of Composite pressure vessel with Semi-Geodesic winding,  Simulation of composite Hashin damage in 3d continuum element  (UMAT-VUMAT-USDFLD), and  Abaqus composite modeling of Woven & Unidirectional + RVE method.


Simulation of woven composites damage in Abaqus

Woven composites are net-shaped composite structures that are fully interconnected by their yarns. Like a piece of cloth, the yarns are weaved together as warp and weft to create a composite structure. This package includes several components. First, it begins with an introduction to woven composites. Next, it provides a detailed explanation of macro modeling and offers guidance on how to perform it. The damage criteria employed in this package is a modified version of the Hashin criteria specifically designed for woven composites. Furthermore, the package demonstrates how to model damage using the USDFLD subroutine and Hashin relations. The subroutine is thoroughly explained, line by line, and a workshop is conducted to facilitate learning and practical application. Finally, the subroutine's validity is confirmed through a verification process.

Damage simulation of short fibre composites with subroutine

Short fiber composites consist of chopped fibers and a matrix, forming a discontinuous fiber-reinforced material, with fibers typically positioned either aligned or randomly within the matrix based on the intended application. In this training package, you will learn how to model the short fiber composite (SFC) damage in Abaqus based on this article: “Damage Modeling in Random Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites Including Permanent Strain and Unilateral Effect”. In the lesson one, you will learn the fundamentals such as the SFCs advantages, applications, and etc. Moving on to Lesson 2, the focus shifts to modeling Short Fiber Composites in Abaqus. The lesson introduces the critical decision between Macro and Micro modeling, which this package do a macro modeling. Lesson 3 advances the learning journey by exploring damage modeling in Short Fiber Composites, particularly through Dano's model. This macroscopic approach incorporates irreversible processes and internal variables, addressing anisotropic damage, unilateral effects, and residual effects. Lesson 4 bridges theory to practical application, guiding users on how to implement Dano's model in Abaqus through the VUSDFLD subroutine. The tutorial navigates through the subroutine's flowchart, explaining each line sequentially. Complementing the lessons are two workshops. Workshop 1 features a 2D composite plate with a hole using plane stress elements, offering a detailed breakdown of material properties, boundary conditions, and simulation procedures. Workshop 2, mirroring the first, employs shell elements, showcasing variations in element types while maintaining consistency with the utilization of the VUSDFLD subroutine.

Fatigue damage simulation of short fibre composites with subroutine

Fatigue failure in materials occurs when repetitive or fluctuating stresses, below the ultimate strength and often below the yield limit, lead to sudden and unpredictable failure, making it a significant concern in engineering due to its potential for catastrophic consequences. The reinforced part of the fiber-reinforced composites can be categorized as continuous or discontinuous, with the latter referred to as short fiber-reinforced composites. In this training package, the fatigue of short (chopped) fiber composites is explained. Two fatigue damage models are presented for short fiber composites: Nouri fatigue damage model and Avanzini fatigue damage model. The Nouri’s model is applicable for composites with orthotropic behavior. But the Avanzini’s model has considered the fiber distribution in the matrix to be homogeneous and random. It has assumed the material behavior to be isotropic. Also, Nouri's model was developed for strain-controlled test, but Avanzini's model was developed for stress-controlled test. In this tutorial, we use the Avanzini’s model, which is base on this article: “Fatigue behavior and cyclic damage of peek short fiber reinforced composites”. This article has implemented the USDFLD subroutine, but we use the UMAT subroutine, which is more accurate than USDFLD since the material strength and properties reduction is smooth. A standard test specimen is used in this simulation to model such behavior. You will learn the details in the package.

Simulation of composite Hashin damage in 3d continuum element in Abaqus (UMAT-VUMAT-USDFLD)

In this training package, the 3D continuum HASHIN damage initiation model is prepared via three subroutines (USDFLD, UMAT and VUMAT).This training package teach you subroutines line-by-line. It should be noted that after damage initiation, failure occurs suddenly and in the form of a reduction in properties in the model. The HASHIN theory for this package is based on Kermanidis article titled” FINITE ELEMENT MODELING OF DAMAGE ACCUMULATION IN BOLTED COMPOSITE JOINTS UNDER INCREMENTAL TENSILE LOADING “.

Composite simulation for experts-Part-1

If you are a graduate or Ph.D. student, if you are a university professor or an expert engineer in the industry who deals with simulation software, you are definitely familiar with the limitations of this software in defining the material properties, loading or meshing, interaction properties, and etc. You have certainly tried to define the properties of materials based on advanced fracture theories in finite element software and are familiar with their limitations and problems. Now, here is your solution. Start writing subroutines in finite element software and overcome the limitations. With the tutorials in the Golden Package, you will learn how to write 8 subroutines in Abaqus software professionally.

3D continuum Abaqus HASHIN progressive Damage for composite materials (VUMAT Subroutine)

Original price was: € 320.0.Current price is: € 288.0.

The Hashin failure criteria is a set of failure criteria developed specifically for composite materials. It predicts different failure modes in composites based on the stresses experienced by their constituents (fiber and matrix). The criteria are widely used in engineering and computational models to assess composite material performance under mechanical loading. The criteria, while highly efficient and widely used, pose challenges when implemented in numerical simulations. Abaqus has emerged as a powerful tool to address these challenges, enabling the prediction of damage initiation and its progression (via stiffness reduction) based on the Hashin criteria. However, a key limitation of Abaqus is its applicability being restricted to 2D plane stress elements. To overcome this limitation, we developed a VUMAT subroutine in this project. This custom subroutine extends the capabilities of Abaqus, allowing for the simulation of damage initiation and propagation in 3D problems in accordance with the Hashin criteria. It should be mentioned that this subroutine includes gradual progressive damage based on the energy method. This complex subroutine could be used for static and dynamic problems.

A notable point is that in one of our other packages, we also provide training on using Abaqus subroutines to analyze the Hashin criterion. However, in that package, damage occurs instantaneously. In the current package, we have modeled the progressive Damage, which is more complex but could be more beneficial for solving your specific problems.

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Simulation of Unidirectional Composite Damage in ABAQUS

Original price was: € 130.0.Current price is: € 117.0.
This package is about Unidirectional Composite Damage tutorial and applies various theories to initiate and progress damage in composite materials based on ABAQUS capabilities for different elements. As you know, according to the modeling done by the micro or macro method, the way of defining the Abaqus composite damage completely follows the separate method in ABAQUS. This training package is customized for Abaqus composite macro modeling. There are 5 different unidirectional composite examples to help you master unidirectional composite simulations and Abaqus composite laminate damage modeling. You can see the examples in the syllabus below.
0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc

Full Composite Material Bundle

 0.0 3923.0
Unleash the Potential of Composites: The Full Composite Material Bundle The Full Composite Material Bundle equips you with the knowledge

Unidirectional Composite Bundle

 0.0 1328.0
Comprehensive Unidirectional Composite Analysis Bundle This comprehensive Unidirectional Composite Analysis Bundle equips you with the knowledge and skills to tackle

Composite Damage Models Bundle

 0.0 1023.0
Master the Art of Composite Damage Analysis: Composite Damage Models Bundle The Composite Damage Models Bundle equips you with the

Abaqus composite modeling of Woven & Unidirectional + RVE method


This training package provides comprehensive basic information and examples on for composite modeling in ABAQUS FEM software in accordance with subsequent packages. The methods of modeling these materials are in two ways: micro and macro, which vary according to the type of material selected and how they are used. Next packages focus on two modeling types professionally.