ABAQUS course for beginners | FEM simulation tutorial

(13 customer reviews)


In this Abaqus course for beginners, which is designed for FEM Simulation students in mechanical engineering, various examples in the most widely used fields are presented. These examples are provided with the necessary points and theories for simulation. With this training package, you will be able to get acquainted with different ABAQUS modules in the form of various examples in modeling, how to get the output and the necessary results for reporting. You can download the syllabus of this package here.

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Tutorial video duration

6 hr




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Applicable to all versions




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FEM simulation tutorial/ FEA simulation tutorial description:

Abaqus course for beginners package (FEA simulation tutorial) includes 8 lessons and 14 workshops. The workshop topics are designed to provide many tips for learning ABAQUS. Topics presented include areas, modeling of truss structures, modeling of beam structures, calculating stress concentration, calculating displacement in loaded plates, simulating structures with static and dynamic loading, calculating natural frequency, calculating buckling load, forming analysis, Simulation of heat transfer problems, simulation of heat transfer coupling problems, simulation of non-coupling heat transfer problems, impact simulation and etc. Many FEM simulation examples are presented in workshops.

Abaqus tutorial     It will guide you going from the basics up to complex simulation techniques and it is very fluid, comprehensive and every single detail is explained.

Abaqus tutorial    Every lesson goes straight to the point, without any worthless piece of content. You will learn what you need at every stage, and you will be putting it into practice from the very first day.

In a word, being complete and having support in this course is the essential value of this course.

Abaqus tutorial        Most importantly, we support you as you learn in this course. You can contact our experts to ask your questions and enjoy our modelling and simulations step-by-step support.

Abaqus tutorial        This is just the beginning for you. If you want to become a professional in Abaqus and simulation, you can use our advanced packages and become a professional in advanced Abacus coding.

Read More: Abaqus student edition | Abaqus download edition

What are the exact contents of each video in this FEA training package?

Click on the chapters of each lesson in the right section of this tab to know the details of the tips and issues presented in this very comprehensive and useful  ABAQUS course package.

It would be useful to see Abaqus Documentation to understand how it would be hard to start an Abaqus simulation without any Abaqus tutorial.

The CAE Assistant is committed to addressing all your CAE needs, and your feedback greatly assists us in achieving this goal. If you have any questions or encounter complications, please feel free to share it with us through our social media accounts including WhatsApp.

Read More: abaqus visualization

Read More: Introduction to FEA analysis

Save Abaqus Graphical Setting(s) in Abaqus/CAE | Abaqus Views Toolbar

Abaqus Terminate Job | Pause Abaqus Job | Abaqus Job Command

Applying Abaqus Velocity | Angular Velocity VS Linear Velocity

What is inp File Abaqus and How to Open inp File in Abaqus? Running .inp file Abaqus

  • What do we learn from this package?
  • Teaching plan and Prerequisites and Next steps
  • Package specification

You can watch demo here.

  • What is CAD/CAM/CAE?
  • Abaqus window introduction
  • Introduction to different modules in Abaqus
  • Units in Abaqus
  • One simple simulation from A-Z step by step
  • How to define isotropic elastic material
  • How to use Truss element and related tips
  • Using SI units
  • How to apply concentrated Force
  • How to define static analysis and time concept in this step
  • Visualize the primary variables like stress, strain and etc.
  • Get report for stress, strain, reaction forces and deflections
  • How to scale results
  • How to see node and Element numbers
  • How to see undeformed and deformed results together

This lesson first talks about CAE’s importance among other methods of computer design, analyzing, and production of a part or product. Then, the outline of the software and all of its common options and FEM simulation procedures are explained.

One of the important issues in using ABAQUS software (as one of the best FEA simulation software) is unit determination. This lesson explains common units and compatible ones and obtaining methods of it.

Finally, a 2D truss under concentrated force is simulated. In this example, all the simulation procedures are explained step by step. Also, useful tips in different modules will be explained, such as assigning material, loading, observing common outputs like stress, strain and, in addition, getting reports of desired items such as nodes displacement. It would be great FEA training I promise if you continue reading the description.

  • What is the FEM?
  • Familiarity with Discretization Concept
  • Analytical solutions vs FEM
  • How a FEM analysis is done?
  • How to discretize the domain?
  • How to calculate nodal solution?
  • Where FEM is used
  • General Usage of FEM
  • An example of structural analysis
  • Degree of freedom
  • Convergence Study(Validation)
  • Plane stress and plane strain conditions
  • Tips to start all simulations
  • Create points and models in 3D space
  • What is model tree and how to use it?
  • How to use Probe value option to watch some results?
  • How to simulate with plane stress element and usage conditions?
  • What are simplify conditions to model one part of model ?
  • How to apply uniform tension?
  • Using remeshing rule option to check convergency?
  • How to get result in specific path?

This lesson is very attractive to the users of finite elements (FEM simulation). In this lesson of the Abaqus course, you will be familiar with the finite element completely. First, starts with some simple examples like meshing an aerial structure, calculating the circumference of a circle, and displacement calculation of a structure with geometric complication. Then, it discusses using finite element tools to solve problems step by step.

Furthermore, this lesson explains about different types of elements in terms of shape, element and node, freedom degree, and finite element is used for two types of problems. They and FEM simulation instruction will be described to solve a difficult shape step by step. The users must know that using the FEM simulation method has its advantages and disadvantages.

They will be explained completely with examples and figures. In the end, the degree of freedom and plane stress element and plane strain with problems that can use these elements will be described completely. It is necessary to know that one of the most important issues of using simulation software is studying convergence. The description of studying convergence is the last theory content in this lesson.

Two workshops are investigated in this lesson: In the first one, a three-dimension truss is simulated to model a 3D structure in space, using the software tree diagram, reading results, etc. In the second one, a sheet undergoes plane stress and the notes related to plane elements, applying tensional extensive load, reading results in a curved path, symmetric condition and model simplification, software technique for investigating convergence, and so on will be studied. You will enjoy this Abaqus course definitely. 

  • Introduction to ABAQUS Element Library
  • Characterizing elements
  • Introduction to different Types of Elements
  • Different Types of degree of freedoms
  • Element and node numbering
  • Element formulation
  • Integration Points
  • Beam Element and usage conditions
  • Types of Beams: Euler-Bernoulli
  • Types of Beams: Timoshenko
  • Beam element library of Abaqus
  • Simulation with beam Element
  • How to specify beam orientation to watch some results
  • How create profile for beam section
  • How to see parts in different colors
  • How to plot moment and force with in beam model
  • Settings for plot(Font/Color/multiple plot/Legend ant etc.)
  • How to model beam with 3D element
  • How to define Dynamic Analysis
  • How to get html report from simulation steps
  • This lesson focuses on elements in the FEA simulation topic. At first, it explains the types of characteristics of elements, including family, degree of freedom, number of nodes, formulation, and integration completely. Then, the beam element and its items of use will introduce. The beam element can be used in two different formulations, Bernoulli and Timoshenko with different theories and different applications which will be explained in detail.
  • In the first workshop of this Abaqus course, a single clamped beam under concentrated force is simulated. The results from simulation and formulation analysis will be compared.
  • In the second workshop, beam simulation with the beam element and continuum element will be done and compared. The workshop describes the simulation with continuum element, beam element simulation tips, extracting moment results, force along the beam and cross-section, and parts observation with different colors; and also, explains beam modeling in a dynamic analysis which includes loading, and getting HTML results from simulation procedure. (FEM simulation / FEA simulation)
  • Monitor difference in Implicit and Explicit
  • Points to Choose between Explicit & Implicit
  • Element library/Analysis procedures/Material models/ Contact formulation/Solution technique/ Disk space & memory in Two Solvers
  • Quasi static vs static vs dynamic
  • Story for Quasi static, static ,and dynamic
  • Mesh refinement for two solvers
  • How Abaqus solve truss problem step by step with implicit solver
  • Conditions to use Axisymmetric element
  • Conditions and usage of Analytical rigid part
  • How to define plasticity
  • How to use assembly models
  • common contact definition
  • How to use test results for stress-strain input and Engineering stress(strain) vs True stress(strain)
  • Shell simulation and conditions usage
  • Orthotropic Elastic material Definition
  • How to define Functional Loading
  • how to create local coordinate
  • This lesson is one of the most important lessons in this FEM simulation tutorial package. Explicit and standard solvers will be completely discussed in this Abaqus course lesson. In this FEA training, in the first step, it will be explained to choose an appropriate solver for each example by considering solver capability.
  • The key differences between these two solvers are described in solving different types of problems and the field element type of analysis, using contact, solving method, and so on. In the next step, the influence of mesh size on the speed of analysis for the two solvers is investigated.
  • It has been tried in a simple problem the solving process with two solvers, standard and explicit, to be completely explained. Therefore you will be completely familiar with the function of these two solvers.
  • A deep drawing analysis is done by using the explicit solver in the workshp. In this workshop, different contents are explained as listed below: rigid body and related points, using information extracted from simple tensile stress in a laboratory in the inputs of software, Axsim element, and related points, defining contact, assembling, defining plasticity and so on.

 FEA training

  • Where Explicit Analysis is used
  • Stability definition for Explicit Method
  • Stability limit calculation
  • Example for stability limit calculation
  • Speeding up a Quasi static Explicit Analysis
  • Load Rate Scaling
  • Smooth Amplitude Curves
  • Mass Scaling
  • Mass VS. Load Rate Scaling
  • Energy Balance
  • Using load rate scaling to increase time of computation
  • Using Mass scaling to increase time of computation
  • Checking proper load rate scaling/mass scaling to get right result
  • Discrete rigid simulation and usage conditions
  • Plot combined curve(Load vs displacement for punch)
  • Plane strain simulation and condition usages
  • How to visualize axisymmetric element problem to 3D
  • How to visualize Plane strain element problem to 3D
  • How to use DOF monitor
  • View results at the same intervals
  • View specific result in some node sets
  • How to plot ALLKE), external work (ALLWK), internal energy(ALLIE), and total energy (ETOTAL)
  • In this lesson, very important tips about explicit solvers are studied. In the first step, different types of analysis are explained which are done by the dynamic explicit solver. Furthermore, the concept of stable time increment and calculation method will be described with examples completely and precisely.
  • In some problems, the speed of analysis can be increased with the help of different techniques, such as mass-scale and load rate scaling. These two techniques are explained completely. Some tips are passed on calculating optimal values for use in these two techniques. In the end, some points are explained about energy balance and remaining the problem in the quasi-static (versus Dynamic) state.
  • In the first workshop, the optimal time for deep drawing analysis is calculated and applied. In this analysis, two methods of increasing the analysis speed such as mass-scale and rate scaling are studied. 
  • The plane strain element is used in the second workshop, and methods of increasing the analysis speed are investigated. Furthermore, rolling modeling tips to decrease the thickness along the rolling shelf are presented. In the end, the energy balance is checked to prevent it from becoming dynamic. I hope you have not gotten tired of our explanation about this complete Abaqus course. 

FEA training | FEA simulation

  • Procedures Types in ABAQUS
  • General vs Linear Procedures
  • Linear Perturbation
  • Frequency Analysis
  • Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes
  • Simple Example for Natural Frequencies :Mass-spring system
  • Natural Freq. in Real Structures
  • Eigenvalue Extraction Methods(Natural Frequencies)
  • Buckling Analysis
  • Stiff Structures
  • Buckling of Euler column
  • How FEM software solve Eigenvalue buckling problem
  • Eigenvalue Extraction Method(Buckling)
  • Finding optimum time period for quasi static problem with natural frequency problem
  • Viewing frequency mode shapes and natural frequency calculation
  • Viewing buckling mode shapes and critical load
  • Frequency analysis on a preloaded structure.
  • Moment of inertia calculation
  • Different ways to take a picture from viewport
  • How to see node and element numbers is different modulus
  • How to see thickness direction in shell model
  • This lesson will discuss linear analysis versus nonlinear analysis in FEM simulation. At first, the lesson will explain natural frequency analysis and related formulas step by step to obtain the answer. Also, the influence of the natural frequency analysis, capabilities, and the speed of each one is described. In the next stage, buckling analysis, the application, and the effect on other processes are introduced.
  • To become familiar with the buckling process in FEA simulation, an Euler beam is studied, and the buckling load is calculated by solving differential equations. In the following, the general solving method of buckling equations, its usage in the finite element software and, different types of solving techniques and capabilities of the software to process buckling load in various structures are investigated.
  • In the first workshop, the optimal time for solving the reduced beam problem under shear load will calculate. Also, you will study how to extract buckling load, mode shapes, and moment of inertia. Furthermore, you will learn to capture a figure or get the results from the model, showing node numbers and elements, and post-buckling behavior by using the Riks method will be investigated. This lesson explains the necessary points to define damage using buckling analysis in a post-buckling analysis. In the next workshop, the buckling of a tube under external fluid pressure is investigated. (FEA training)
  • In the third workshop, the natural frequency of a water transfer tube is processed to determine what frequency the resonance phenomenon or a problem will occur if the vibration has happened in the tube, which can be applied by artificial external forces or natural forces like an earthquake.
  • Types of heat transfer analysis
  • What is uncoupled heat transfer analysis and how to use it
  • Heat transfer modes (convection, conduction, radiation)
  • Transient vs steady state analysis
  • What is Sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis and how to use it
  • What is Fully coupled thermal-stress analysis and how to use it
  • What is Adaptive meshing and its advantages
  • What is ALE Adaptive Meshing and its advantages
  • What is Lagrangian method and its advantages
  • Lagrangian Description
  • What is Eulerian method and its advantages
  • What is adiabatic analysis and how to use it
  • Adiabatic formulas
  • Required material inputs for uncoupled steady state
  • Required material inputs for uncoupled steady state
  • Required step settings for uncoupled steady state
  • Required interaction settings for uncoupled steady state
  • Required load settings for uncoupled steady state
  • Required material inputs for transient thermal analysis
  • Apply different types of heat modes
  • Required step settings for uncoupled heat transfer
  • Results of transient vs steady state
  • Required material inputs for sequentially coupled analysis
  • How to import result of heat transfer analysis as an input of stress analysis inputs for sequentially coupled analysis
  • Settings of modulus in stress analysis
  • How to create rigid spline geometry
  • Usage of axisymmetric element in forge analysis
  • Definition of strain-rate and temperature dependent material
  • Required material inputs for fully coupled analysis for deformable parts
  • Required material inputs for fully coupled analysis for rigid parts
  • Required interaction settings for fully coupled analysis
  • What is thermal conductance and how to apply it
  • Required inputs in edit attribute for fully coupled analysis
  • Required outputs in step module for fully coupled analysis
  • Abaqus Settings for ALE Adaptive meshing
  • How to show Axisymmetric model as a full model
  • What is Johnson-Cook plasticity and its formula
  • How to define Johnson-Cook plasticity
  • How to calculate equivalent force during impact
  • Plot velocity vs time of impactor
  • Effect of time period in impact analysis
  • One of the most rampant phenomena in the universe is heat transfer. Heat transfer can cause changes in mechanical characteristics. Heat transfer analysis can be divided into two types: consistent or transient. In this lesson, the settings and tips of these two analyses with examples are discussed.
  • Then, mechanical analyses under the effect of heat transfer analysis will be investigated. In some cases, these analyses (mechanical/ thermal) should become coupled simultaneously and, in some cases, can be performed consecutively. For each one, essential tips and items to detect problem type and usage method with related examples are presented. In the coupled process, hot forging FEA simulation is presented as a workshop.
  • In some simulations, elements suffer from excessive distortion; In this case, you have to use the ALE technique. This technique is described entirely, and its difference with two methods, Lagrangian and Eulerian, is presented. This technique is used in the hot forging process; complete notes and steps to solve coupled include types of heat transfer, radiation, convection, conductivity, heat production caused by friction, heat production caused by plastic work, and dependency of elasticity and plasticity on heat is described.
  • In the second workshop, impact analysis is done. In this process, heat has little time to distribute in the whole matter and another type of heat transfer named adiabatic will be studied. This type of heat transfer and its applications are discussed thoroughly. The material in this process has used Johnson cook’s law, which mechanical characteristics depend on temperature and strain rate.
  • A full explanation of this model, along with the steps to implement on FEM simulation software, is described. Other matters in this example are investigating impact time, velocity changes according to the time chart of the bullet, the force, and the resultant torque graph of several elements and nodes. (FEA training)
  • What is the definition of damage and its applications?
  • What is the difference between microscopic and macroscopic damage in composite materials?
  • What is the various theories to simulate initiation damage in composite material structures?
  • What is the available theory to simulate progressive damage of composite material structures?
  • What is the elements limitations to simulate progressive damage of composite material structures?
  • What is Fully coupled thermal-stress analysis and how to use it
  • Which ways are available to add criterion to simulate composite damage?
  • How to use composite damage results as an initiation condition of other simulation?
  • Defining Elastic property by engineering constant selection
  • Defining failure criterion parameters for HASHIN
  • Setting in field output to get required results
  • View results in layers for fiber and matrix separately
  • Recommended package to learn Composite damage simulation deeply
  • In this lesson which is part of the simulation of composite damage package, first, damage definition and its application is explained. Then, the lecturer will investigate the differences between microscopic and macroscopic damage. Types of damage start scale and continuation of damage of composites are examined. FEA training  or FEM Simulation of composite materials is completely covered here. 
  • In this lesson’s workshop, the start of damage and continuation of damage according to Hashin scale in a plane with a hole under ununiformed loading will be done. Also, other matters are explained, such as composite elastic characteristics definition, required parameters for the start of Hashin damage scale, and needed settings for field output to observe results and see the results in layers for fiber and matrix independently.
  • You could see different examples of modeling composites and investigating the damage in these materials in the package. Other packages are available about composite materials such as damage in 3D elements, fatigue analysis and a complete package about these materials.

Users ask these questions

In social media, users asked common and elementary questions regarding Abaqus, which we answered a few of them; you can see them below.

I. Find the maximum moment capacity

Q: In Abaqus, I modeled a concrete-encased composite column. Biaxial bending is applied to the column. Both axes are loaded eccentrically. Abaqus is used to calculate the buckling load. Now I need to determine the column’s maximum moment capacity. In Abaqus, how can you find ultimate moment capacity?

A: Hello,

You can go to the Visualization module; from the Tools menu, select free body cut. With the help of this option, you can choose any section and any element you want and see its moments and forces. Also, I recommend referring to this link:

ABAQUS course for beginners | FEM simulation tutorial

II. Moment curvature diagram

Q: Please suggest a method/software for plotting the moment curvature diagram for the FRP BEAM. I’m working on Abaqus and unable to plot it.

A: Hello,

First, define a reference point for one end of the beam and define the moment for it, and fix the other end. Select the Total forces and moments (TF) variables from the Field Output Requests in the step module. Run the job. To plot the moment-curvature diagram, plot the TF of the reference point and UR3 (the UR number depends on your moment direction). Then, use “Operate XY data” and combine the two plots.

I hope this explanation will help you. Also, you could visit this link to learn more stuff: ABAQUS course for beginners | FEM simulation tutorial

Shipping and Delivery

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All packages include lifelong support, 24/7 support, and updates will always be sent to you when the package is updated with a one-time purchase. Get more information in terms and conditions of the CAE Assistant.

Notice: If you have any question or problem you can contact us.
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  • Online payment: with MasterCard, VisaCard and etc.
  • Offline payment: In this payment method, you should pay via PayPal and send your payment receipt as an attached file in the offline payment form.
  • via download link After purchase, a download link will be sent to you a zip file included training videos, documents and software files.
  • Send us your machine ID

To access tutorial video run the .exe file on your personal pc and send the generated code to shop@caeassistat.com and wait for your personal code, which is usable only for that pc, up to 24 hours from CAE Assistant support.

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Abaqus tutorial video
Lecture notes
Abaqus workshop files
Contains all required files
Works for all Abaqus versions
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Free 24/7 online mentoring
Access for life
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Time-Saving Short But Full
Premium Corporate and Academic Clients
Prepared by High-Level Researchers
Fortran Abaqus subroutines
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13 reviews for ABAQUS course for beginners | FEM simulation tutorial

  1. Avatar of Madi Dehk

    Madi Dehk

    As an Abaqus tutor, I need a comprehensive instruction package for beginners, based on syllables it seems to be a good choice.

  2. Avatar of David White

    David White

    It seems to be a neat and nice package to start with. Unlike other tutorials you see on the web, this one contains explanations about the theories behind the simulation videos which is very helpful to your future analyses.

  3. Avatar of Dario Chávez

    Dario Chávez

    I do not think Abaqus introductory training will be better than this one. I did not know anything about Abaqus, but now I think I know more than many who have worked with Abaqus for many years. Thanks a lot!

  4. Avatar of Lucas Rossi

    Lucas Rossi

    I’ve gotta say; from the topics I have seen, you can learn the Abaqus deeply and understand the concepts about the many expressions in software like Abaqus. Is there any way to get just the workshops?

  5. Avatar of Elias Wagner

    Elias Wagner

    I was looking for a website, video, or even a book to start learning ABAQUS. But when I found this package, I would say anyone who wants to start learning ABAQUS should get this package and be done with it. Will be more workshops in the future?

  6. Avatar of Igor Kovalenko

    Igor Kovalenko

    Sounds like a great package to start with. But, I am a civil engineer; is this package good for civil engineers too?

  7. Avatar of Ana Gil

    Ana Gil

    If you’re looking for a full package to start learning Abaqus from the very beginning, I recommend this one. will it be good for those who have already been familiar with the Abaqus?

  8. Avatar of Min Tsai

    Min Tsai

    I’m a student in mechanical engineering and wanted to start learn the Abaqus. I didn’t know where to begin until I found this package. A complete package to start with. Thank you! Nice job.

  9. Avatar of Oliver Brown

    Oliver Brown

    I think it’s the best choice to learn about the concept of each FEM related matters and the Abaqus software function. I have a question though; will be more workshops in the future?

  10. Avatar of Robert Scott

    Robert Scott

    This package almost covers anything necessarily you need to know about the Abaqus. I recommend this package even to those who already familiar with Abaqus. Might surprise you.

  11. Avatar of mary


    Hello, I want to learn Abaqus and I am a beginner in this field. Do you think this product is suitable for me?
    thank you

  12. Avatar of hugo


    A fair price for a great collection! Professional tutorial videos along with english subtitle and workshops’ files.

  13. Avatar of diana


    Suitable for those who are just getting started in FEA education. Models are clearly explained, and it would be wonderful if encountered as a situational issue and resolved through model optimization for improved outcomes.

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