Mohr-coulomb usage in Abaqus
A mathematical model called the Mohr-Coulomb theory describes how brittle materials, such as concrete or rubble piles, react to both shear stress and normal stress. This rule is followed by the majority of traditional engineered materials in at least some of their shear failure envelope. In this package, you will learn how to use this theory in four practical examples: Analysis of surface explosion damage to an underground box tube in ABAQUS, dynamic analysis of a tunnel in soil subjected to internal blast loading, An internal explosion-related numerical simulation of the behavior of a pipeline's damage mechanics, and for cases utilizing crashworthiness, simulate an Eulerian method to soil impact analysis.
Earthquake simulation in Abaqus
It is known that an earthquake is a disastrous event that can cause great damage to buildings, structures, and even people. So it's essential to know how a structure will behave when subjected to an earthquake. Therefore engineers must take into account the possibility of an earthquake when designing a structure. With finite element analyses, engineers can predict the behaviour of structures under earthquake loading. With this method, they can determine the best way to design a structure to withstand an earthquake. In this package, you can learn how to do earthquake simulation in Abaqus to have the best design for your structure to save human lives. Three practical examples are presented to you to start simulating earthquakes: “simulating an earthquake over a gravity dam in contact with water and soil”, “simulating an earthquake load over a water-filled tank”, “Abaqus-Micro model simulation of seismic load over masonry wall (concrete brick)”.
Abaqus Soil Modeling Full Tutorial
All facets of soil modelling and simulation are covered in this full tutorial. The package includes twenty titles on topics such as soil, saturated soil, TBM, earthquake, tunnel, excavation, embankment construction, geocell reinforced soil, geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining wall, soil consolidation in interaction with the concrete pile, earthquake over gravity dam, infinite element method, sequential construction, calculation of the total load capacity of the pile group, bearing capacity of the foundation. Package duration: +600 minutes
💿Abaqus for Beginners (Abaqus for Civil Engineering)
In the present Abaqus tutorial for civil engineering package, we, "The CAE Assistant", have presented all the Abaqus basic skills that a civil engineer needs when he/she wants to use his/her engineering knowledge in computer-aided designing. Abaqus tutorial for civil engineering covers all your need to simulate concrete, reinforcements, buckling, frequency, damage, composite, cohesive and more topics related to Abaqus structural analysis tutorial. You can watch the demo video for more information.
Abaqus Concrete structure Modeling Full Tutorial
The package includes 19 workshops on topics such as concrete, beam-column structures, composites, steel rebars, Ultra-High-Performance-Fiber-Reinforcement Concrete columns, CFRP bars, hollow-core square reinforced concrete columns wrapped, damaged concrete beams, High Strength Concrete(HSC),ECC/Concrete Composite Beam-Column Joints, circular concrete-encased concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) stub columns, and etc. Every tutorial includes all needed files and step-by-step English videos and is explained from A to Z. Package duration: +600 minutes