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Simulation of an Ultrasonic Transducer (3D Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning Tool)


Since the invention of ultrasonic vibration assisted turning, this process has been widely considered and investigated. The reason for this consideration is the unique features of this process which include reducing machining forces, reducing wear and friction, increasing the tool life, creating periodic cutting conditions, increasing the machinability of difficult-to-cut material, increasing the surface quality, creating a hierarchical structure (micro-nano textures) on the surface and so on. Different methods have hitherto been used to apply ultrasonic vibration to the tip of the tool during the turning process. In this research, a unique horn has been designed and constructed to convert linear vibrations of piezoelectrics to three-dimensional vibrations (longitudinal vibrations along the z-axis, bending vibrations around the x-axis, and bending vibrations around the y-axis). The advantage of this ultrasonic machining tool compared with other similar tools is that in most other tools it is only possible to apply one-dimensional (linear) and two-dimensional (elliptical) vibrations, while this tool can create three-dimensional vibrations. Additionally, since the nature of the designed horn can lead to the creation of three-dimensional vibrations, there is no need for piezoelectric half-rings (which are stimulated by a 180-phase difference) to create bending vibrations around the x and y axes. Reduction of costs as well as the simplicity of applying three-dimensional vibrations in this new method can play an important role in industrializing the process of three-dimensional ultrasonic vibration assisted turning.

In this example, how to model all the components of an ultrasonic transducer and its modal and harmonic analysis are taught in full detail.

Abaqus convergence tutorial | Introduction to Nonlinearity and Convergence in ABAQUS


This package introduces nonlinear problems and convergence issues in Abaqus. Solution convergence in Abaqus refers to the process of refining the numerical solution until it reaches a stable and accurate state. Convergence is of great importance especially when your problem is nonlinear; So, the analyst must know the different sources of nonlinearity and then can decide how to handle the nonlinearity to make solution convergence. Sometimes the linear approximation can be useful, otherwise implementing the different numerical techniques may lead to convergence.

Through this tutorial, different nonlinearity sources are introduced and the difference between linear and nonlinear problems is discussed. With this knowledge, you can decide whether you can use linear approximation for your nonlinear problem or not. Moreover, you will understand the different numerical techniques which are used to solve nonlinear problems such as Newton-Raphson.

All of the theories in this package are implemented in two practical workshops. These workshops include modeling nonlinear behavior in Abaqus and its convergence study and checking different numerical techniques convergence behavior using both as-built material in Abaqus/CAE and UMAT subroutine.

Matrix Generation in ABAQUS

This package introduces matrix generation in Abaqus using an input file. Matrix generation in Abaqus refers to the process of creating and assembling matrices that represent the equations of motion or equilibrium for a finite element analysis including the stiffness matrix, mass matrix, damping matrix, and load matrix. This tutorial provides you with how to generate mass, stiffness, damping, and load matrices for the mathematical abstraction of model data. You can also use the generated matrices as input in other analyses done by Abaqus or other simulation software.

Car part industrial simulation

Car industrial parts are complex and critical components that play a vital role in the operation of a car. Two such parts are the exhaust manifold and the internal combustion engine (IC engine). The exhaust manifold directs hot exhaust gases from the engine's cylinders into the exhaust system and is typically made of cast iron or stainless steel. The IC engine converts fuel into mechanical energy by burning fuel in a controlled explosion within the engine cylinder. High temperatures and pressures must be considered in the design, and the components must be made of durable materials that can withstand the stresses of constant combustion. Therefore, it is important to know how these parts respond under different loading conditions to have the best design possible. In this package, there are two workshops to help you with this job: Heat transfer analysis in an exhaust manifold and Thermomechanical analysis of an exhaust manifold.

Fire Analysis in Abaqus

The aim of fire analysis is to evaluate the performance of structures in real fire scenarios and to develop strategies to improve their fire resistance and safety. Fire analysis is commonly used in the design and evaluation of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Fire analysis is the process of simulating the behavior of structures under fire conditions. Fire analysis typically involves two main steps: (i) heat transfer analysis to estimate the propagation of heat in the structure and (ii) structural analysis taking into account the effects of heat and mechanical loads. In this package, you will learn how to do a fire simulation on some structures and parts like concrete beams. You can find more details about how to do this simulation in the description of the workshops.

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How to write input file in ABAQUS


This package tries to explain how to write other commands while explaining the instructions used in writing input. This is presented in some simple and practical examples.