Full FEA tutorial _ Abaqus software

[read more]The finite element method (FEA tutorial) has been used to solve numerous structural and nonstructural issues. This method has several advantages over conventional approximate methods for modeling and determining physical quantities like displacements, stresses, temperatures, pressures, and electric currents. Conventional methods such as those were taught in traditional courses in material mechanics and heat transfer. These advantages are:

  1. Designing bodies with irregular shapes is simple.
  2. Handle stress/strain cases without trouble
  3. Because each element equation is assessed separately, model bodies are made of various materials.
  4. Manage an infinite variety of boundary conditions
  5. Changing the size of the components to enable the usage of small components as necessary and implementing higher-order elements is possible.
  6. Simulating many kinds of material qualities from element to element or even within an element is simple. FEA tutorial
  7. FEM is popular among the engineering community since it is easy to use, small, and focused on results.
  8. Take care of any nonlinear behavior resulting from significant deformations and materials.
  9. A variety of computer software programs and books are readily available, making FEM a flexible and effective numerical method.

Also, you can learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of the FEM in the second lesson of the Abaqus course for beginners package.

Use the FEA Tutorial available on this page to understand FEM simulation fully.

The finite element method (FEM) is the most popular numerical method, and the applications for this method are linear, non-linear, buckling, thermal, dynamic, and fatigue analysis. Now the question is FEA and FEM different or not?

Well, FEM and FEA are both one and the same. The term FEA is most popular in industries and FEM at universities. Also, FEA has a wide area of problems related to heat transfer, vibrations, the strength of materials, acoustics, and various other domains. And FEM includes the Galerkin method, the weighted residual method, and various numerical integration methods to solve problems related to FEA domains and its totally mathematical approach. The term “Finite Element Method” (FEM) mostly refers to sophisticated mathematical techniques employed in your preferred solver. Consider it to be a theory guidebook with a ton of equations and algebra. The term Finite Element Analysis (FEA) typically refers to the process of using FEM to address actual engineering issues. FEA tutorial [/read]

Abaqus for Civil Engineering Part-1

The "Abaqus for Civil Engineering” package is a comprehensive and invaluable resource designed to cater to the needs of civil engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike. This all-inclusive package comprises a collection of several specialized tutorial packages, making it an essential tool for mastering various aspects of civil engineering. With this package, you gain access to an extensive library of high-quality video tutorials that cover a wide range of topics within civil engineering. Each tutorial provides clear, concise, and engaging explanations of fundamental concepts, advanced techniques, and practical applications.

Full Composite fatigue Add-on (Academic and industrial usage)

This package is designed to instruct users on how to utilize the composite fatigue modeling Add-on, which removes the need to write a subroutine for composite fatigue modeling. Instead, users can select the composite type, input material properties, and generate the subroutine by clicking a button. The Add-on includes four types of composites, and the generated subroutine for all types is the UMAT. These four types are Unidirectional, Woven, short fiber composites (chopped), and wood. The fatigue criteria used for each type are the same as its respective package. For example, the fatigue criteria for woven composites are identical to that used in the "Simulation of woven composite fatigue in Abaqus" package. This Add-on provides a simple graphical user interface for composite fatigue modeling, which can be utilized for both academic and industrial applications.

Full Composite damage Add-on (Academic and industrial usage)

This package will teach you how to use the composite damage modeling Add-on. The Add-on eliminates the need for writing a subroutine for composite damage modeling. Instead, you only need to select the desired composite type, input the material properties, and click a button. The Add-on will then generate the subroutine for you. The Add-on includes four types of composites: Unidirectional, Woven, short fiber composites (chopped), and wood. The generated subroutine for all types is the VUSDFLD. The damage criteria used in each type is the same as the one used in its respective package. For instance, the damage criteria for the woven composite is identical to the one used in the "Simulation of woven composite damage in the Abaqus" package. This Add-on offers a user-friendly graphical user interface for composite damage modeling, which can be used for academic and industrial purposes.

Composite simulation for experts-Part-3


Pay attention to the syllabus and availability file details. some of the packages are fully available and some of them are partially available. If this is partially available it takes at least two months to be completely available.

If you are a graduate or Ph.D. student, if you are a university professor or an expert engineer in the industry who deals with simulation software, you are definitely familiar with the limitations of this software in defining the material properties, loading or meshing, interaction properties, and etc. You have certainly tried to define the properties of materials based on advanced fracture theories in finite element software and are familiar with their limitations and problems. Now, here is your solution. Start writing subroutines in finite element software and overcome the limitations. With the tutorials in the Golden Package, you will learn how to write 8 subroutines in Abaqus software professionally.

Composite simulation for experts-Part-2

Pay attention to the syllabus and availability file details. some of the packages are fully available and some of them are partially available. If this is partially available it takes at least two months to be completely available.

If you are a researcher, student, university professor, or  Engineer in the company in the field of composite materials, this training package in simulating these materials in Abaqus software is the best selection. This training package is the second part of the composite for expert package and is focusing on the Simulation of woven composite damage in Abaqus, Composite Fatigue Simulation, Analysis of Composite pressure vessel with Semi-Geodesic winding,  Simulation of composite Hashin damage in 3d continuum element  (UMAT-VUMAT-USDFLD), and  Abaqus composite modeling of Woven & Unidirectional + RVE method.


Python Scripting in Abaqus Full Tutorial

If you are a graduate or Ph.D. student, if you are a university professor or an expert engineer in the industry who deals with simulation software, you are definitely familiar with the limitations of this software in defining the material properties, loading or meshing, interaction properties, etc. You have certainly tried to define the properties of materials or geometry based on available features in the software, but sometimes you need to code on your own to define some complex issues. Now, here is your solution. This full tutorial package includes 3 training packages that help you to learn how to use Python scripting in Abaqus software. This is likewise the most comprehensive tutorial for the script, and it is appropriate for beginners to advanced users.

Bio-Mechanical Abaqus simulation Full package

Original price was: € 380.0.Current price is: € 342.0.

This video tutorial package offers a comprehensive guide to biomechanical simulations using Abaqus, covering a range of applications from dental to orthopedic and cardiovascular analyses. The workshops delve into finite element method (FEM) simulations, exploring static loading on human teeth, crack growth in bones under bending, bone drilling, and the behavior of titanium foam implants. Each tutorial emphasizes the importance of precise modeling and meshing techniques, utilizing dynamic explicit procedures, Johnson-Cook material models, and various contact and boundary conditions to simulate realistic biomechanical behaviors. Additionally, the package includes fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations for blood flow within coronary vessels, addressing both Newtonian and non-Newtonian models, and demonstrates the integration of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with structural analysis for enhanced accuracy. The lessons complement the workshops by introducing fundamental FEM concepts, solver selection, explicit analysis considerations, and damage modeling, ensuring users gain a solid understanding of both theoretical and practical aspects of biomechanical simulations in Abaqus.

We also offer a similar budget-friendly package that includes all the workshops from this package. However, since it does not include the lessons, it is available at a lower price. You can purchase it on our website at a more competitive rate than similar platforms.  
0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc

Abaqus Soil Modeling Full Tutorial

Original price was: € 280.0.Current price is: € 252.0.
All facets of soil modelling and simulation are covered in this full tutorial. The package includes twenty titles on topics such as soil, saturated soil, TBM, earthquake, tunnel, excavation, embankment construction, geocell reinforced soil, geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining wall, soil consolidation in interaction with the concrete pile, earthquake over gravity dam, infinite element method, sequential construction, calculation of the total load capacity of the pile group, bearing capacity of the foundation. Package duration: +600 minutes  
0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc

Abaqus steel material and structures Full Tutorial

Original price was: € 490.0.Current price is: € 441.0.
Here in this training package, numerous models of crack steel material structures modeling, such as the shear failure, FLD criterion and different metal damage theories in concrete, steel, dams, and bones are examined through ten step-by-step tutorials. Every tutorial includes all needed files and step-by-step English videos and is explained from A to Z.
We also offer a similar budget-friendly package that includes all the workshops from this package. However, since it does not include the lessonsit is available at a lower price. You can purchase it on our website at a more competitive rate than similar platforms.
0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc

Abaqus Crack Growth Full Tutorial

Original price was: € 410.0.Current price is: € 369.0.
Here in this training package, numerous methods of crack propagation modeling, such as the XFEM and H integral and so on, in concrete, steel, dams, bones, and other materials are examined through ten step-by-step tutorials. Every tutorial includes all needed files and a step-by-step English videos and is explained from A to Z. Package duration: +300 minutes We also offer a similar budget-friendly package that includes all the workshops from this package. However, since it does not include the lessonsit is available at a lower price. You can purchase it on our website at a more competitive rate than similar platforms.  
0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc

Composite simulation for experts-Part-1

If you are a graduate or Ph.D. student, if you are a university professor or an expert engineer in the industry who deals with simulation software, you are definitely familiar with the limitations of this software in defining the material properties, loading or meshing, interaction properties, and etc. You have certainly tried to define the properties of materials based on advanced fracture theories in finite element software and are familiar with their limitations and problems. Now, here is your solution. Start writing subroutines in finite element software and overcome the limitations. With the tutorials in the Golden Package, you will learn how to write 8 subroutines in Abaqus software professionally.

Professional Package

As a professional Abaqus user, you have probably faced cases where you have to move meshes and elements during analysis. For example, there is such a need in the wearing process. In addition, to define the properties of materials based on advanced theories of elasticity or plasticity, you need programming within the software. Sometimes you may need to model different types of cohesive or many types of composite materials based on various methods of composite damage. In all these cases, be sure that the professional package will answer you. This package is designed and prepared for you who are professionals and work on the edge of knowledge topics in the field of mechanical engineering and damage mechanics. Sometimes you may need to use user-defined elements and change element configuration based on theories that you are using; for instance, it is needed to add more integration points in elements. In this case, you can use the UEL package in the “Professional Package”.

💿Abaqus for Beginners (Abaqus for Civil Engineering)

In the present Abaqus tutorial for civil engineering package, we, "The CAE Assistant", have presented all the Abaqus basic skills that a civil engineer needs when he/she wants to use his/her engineering knowledge in computer-aided designing. Abaqus tutorial for civil engineering covers all your need to simulate concrete, reinforcements, buckling, frequency, damage, composite, cohesive and more topics related to Abaqus structural analysis tutorial. You can watch the demo video for more information.

Golden Package

If you are a graduate or Ph.D. student, if you are a university professor or an expert engineer in the industry who deals with simulation software, you are definitely familiar with the limitations of this software in defining the material properties, loading or meshing, interaction properties, and etc. You have certainly tried to define the properties of materials based on advanced fracture theories in finite element software and are familiar with their limitations and problems. Now, here is your solution. Start writing subroutines in finite element software and overcome the limitations. With the tutorials in the Golden Package, you will learn how to write 8 subroutines in Abaqus software professionally.

ABAQUS Projects Package

If you need common industrial simulations in the fields of forming, fracture, explosion, impact, etc., this package can provide you with comprehensive training along with an instructional video file and software file. You can quickly meet your educational needs in learning the elementary and intermediate level of Abaqus software using this package.

Essential Package

In this package, you can get comprehensive training of the following very useful four subroutines at a lower cost. In this package, more than 9 hours of practical training in the form of videos, PowerPoint, and workshops are provided. During the years of our activities, many students and professors have received these 5 practical packages from us, and we decided to offer this popular package in the form of the “Essential Package” at a reasonable price. We assure you that by providing this package, you will be answered to how to define the properties of complex materials or complex loads and contacts very quickly and will save you a lot of time. Because in the training workshops of these packages, there are several practical examples for using these subroutines that can make you a professional in writing them quickly.

Abaqus Concrete structure Modeling Full Tutorial

Original price was: € 600.0.Current price is: € 540.0.
The package includes 19 workshops on topics such as concrete, beam-column structures, composites, steel rebars, Ultra-High-Performance-Fiber-Reinforcement Concrete columns, CFRP bars, hollow-core square reinforced concrete columns wrapped, damaged concrete beams, High Strength Concrete(HSC),ECC/Concrete Composite Beam-Column Joints, circular concrete-encased concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) stub columns, and etc. Every tutorial includes all needed files and step-by-step English videos and is explained from A to Z. Package duration: +600 minutes

We also offer similar budget-friendly packages that include the workshops from this package.

Since these packages do not include the lessons and contain a limited number of workshops, they are available at a lower price (250 euros each).

However, we recommend choosing the current full package instead of purchasing parts 1 to 4 separately, as it includes all 20 workshops and exclusive lessons not available on similar platforms, while still being priced lower than competing offerings.

0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc