A Comprehensive Tutorial for Soft Body Impact Composites Simulation
This comprehensive tutorial package focuses on simulating soft body impact composites on laminated composite materials using the Finite Element Method (FEM) in Abaqus. The course covers key topics such as soft body modeling, metal material modeling, composite material modeling, composite to composite interface modeling, metal to composite interface modeling, interaction between soft bodies and FML, interaction between layers, and Python scripting for parametric studies. Users will explore different material models and learn about impact failure mechanisms, including matrix failure, fiber failure, shear failure, and delamination. The course is structured into lessons that cover theoretical aspects, followed by hands-on workshops to model soft body impacts, apply material properties, and analyze post-processing results such as forces, displacements, and energy dissipation. It also includes an advanced section on Python scripting, enabling users to automate parametric studies for complex simulations. This package is ideal for engineers, researchers, and students looking to deepen their understanding of soft body impact phenomena and composite material behavior.