Abaqus for beginners (Mechanical Engineering)-Free Version
Thermal Heat Transfer in Abaqus
- Uncoupled heat transfer analysis
- Sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis
- Fully coupled thermal-stress analysis
- Adiabatic analysis
Introduction to VUEL Subroutine in ABAQUS
Composite simulation for experts-Part-1
Python scripting in ABAQUS Part1
Abaqus Fatigue Tutorial
Analysis of Heat Transfer in Abaqus
Thermal Heat Transfer in Abaqus
This Analysis of Heat Transfer in Abaqus package includes workshops that help you to fully learn how to simulate the temperature distribution and heat flux in solids under thermal loads. This tutorial package enables you to model thermal responses including all the modes of heat transfer, namely conduction, convection and radiation. The subjects such as using film conditions to simulate the convective heat transfer, the dissipation of the frictional heat generated, thermomechanical analysis and etc. are covered in this packageProfessional Package
💿Abaqus for Beginners (Abaqus for Civil Engineering)
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Golden Package
ABAQUS Projects Package
3D continuum Abaqus HASHIN progressive Damage for composite materials (VUMAT Subroutine)
The Hashin failure criteria is a set of failure criteria developed specifically for composite materials. It predicts different failure modes in composites based on the stresses experienced by their constituents (fiber and matrix). The criteria are widely used in engineering and computational models to assess composite material performance under mechanical loading. The criteria, while highly efficient and widely used, pose challenges when implemented in numerical simulations. Abaqus has emerged as a powerful tool to address these challenges, enabling the prediction of damage initiation and its progression (via stiffness reduction) based on the Hashin criteria. However, a key limitation of Abaqus is its applicability being restricted to 2D plane stress elements. To overcome this limitation, we developed a VUMAT subroutine in this project. This custom subroutine extends the capabilities of Abaqus, allowing for the simulation of damage initiation and propagation in 3D problems in accordance with the Hashin criteria. It should be mentioned that this subroutine includes gradual progressive damage based on the energy method. This complex subroutine could be used for static and dynamic problems.
A notable point is that in one of our other packages, we also provide training on using Abaqus subroutines to analyze the Hashin criterion. However, in that package, damage occurs instantaneously. In the current package, we have modeled the progressive Damage, which is more complex but could be more beneficial for solving your specific problems.
Simulation of Fracture in Abaqus
Essential Package
Simulation of forming in ABAQUS
Abaqus Impact Analysis
Introduction to USDFLD and VUSDFLD Subroutine
In this usable tutorial, the material properties can change to an arbitrary dependent variable. One of the most important advantages of this subroutine is simplicity and applicability. Various and high usage examples are unique characteristics of the training package.
This training package includes 5 workshops that help you to fully learn how to use USDFLD and VUSDFLD subroutines in Abaqus software. By means of these subroutines, you will have expertise redefine field variables at a material point by the solution dependence of standard and explicit, respectively.