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These comprehensive resources are designed specifically for beginners, guiding you step-by-step from the fundamentals of Abaqus to more advanced techniques. Explore a range of practical examples and build your confidence in using the Abaqus software!

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UMAT Subroutine (VUMAT Subroutine) in ABAQUS-Free Version- UMAT Abaqus example

This package includes the free version of the two following packages. The following packages include 11 workshops for writing different types of subroutines and give you instructions and points to write your own UMAT/VUMAT subroutine. Here, a UMAT Abaqus example is free to download.

"UMAT Subroutine (VUMAT Subroutine) introduction" is used when the material model is not available in ABAQUS software. If you follow this tutorial package, including standard and explicit solver, you will have the ability to write, debug and verify your subroutine based on customized material to use this in complex structures. These lectures are the introduction to writing advanced UMAT and VUMAT subroutines in hyperelastic Martials, Composites, and Metal, and so on. Watch Demo

"Advanced UMAT Subroutine (VUMAT Subroutine)" training package helps Abaqus users to prepare complex UMAT and VUMAT subroutines. This training package is suitable for those who are familiar with subroutine or want to learn UMAT/VUMAT subroutine Professionally. Equations for computational plasticity based on kinematic stiffness are also discussed. In addition, metal damage has been implemented based on Johnson Cook's model. Watch Demo

Python scripting in ABAQUS-(FREE Version)

This training package(free version) includes one of three and two of five workshops that help you to partially learn how to use Python scripting in Abaqus software. This is likewise the most comprehensive tutorial for the script, and it is appropriate for beginners to advanced users. The subjects such as parameterization, optimization, sequential running and etc. are covered in this tutorial. To access the full version of this package, click here. It should be mentioned, that the free version of this package, it is not included software files and scripts.  

Abaqus for beginners (Mechanical Engineering)-Free Version

In this Free version of the training package, which is designed for beginners in mechanical engineering, two lessons from the original package are presented. This package is provided the necessary points and theories for simulation. With this training package, you will be able to get acquainted with different ABAQUS modules in the form of various examples in modeling, how to get the output and the necessary results for reporting. You can download the syllabus of this package here. You also could find the demo of the package on our YouTube channel at this link.

ABAQUS FEA Training (Free cantilever beam tutorial)

This free tutorial package is an introduction to beams in Abaqus, which is a series of example-based training videos and in this course as the first step of this series, we’re going to simulate an I-shaped beam with different types of loads and boundary conditions and in static and dynamic methods to compare the results with the theory. Watch Demo